
Just popping in to say that Jerry is kind of a jerk to fans and that Jimmy is not.

Wow we got some elitist folks up in here today. I spend a lot of my time on social media, but most of my closest friends live nowhere near me. Its how I feel connected with the network of people I would literally see on the daily if I lived in the same city.

I go through bouts of this. I call it “fibro vag”

I took away a few things:
1. Every celebrity is going to have this revealing that they are, in fact, a human and experience emotion and mental illness.
2. Whose instagram do you think she compares herself to? Not Selena Gomez’s because shes practically inactive.
3. 20's are the new teens.

1. There are plenty of rich people- there are more than 235,000 households that earn over a million dollars a year. More than a million people make more than $500,000 a year. That’s an enormous amount of wealth that is not being fairly taxed.
2. Of course closing loopholes is part of a new tax code that taxes the rich.

It literally says: “ the burden would fall largely on the rich, who she believes (correctly) aren’t paying their fair share in taxes right now.” 

Uh, ending relationships can completely isolate you from your friends if they choose the other or choose “not to take sides. I 100% believe its possible she doesn’t have many/any close friends. After my relationship ended due to very publicized domestic violence I lost almost all of my friends. I had to move away and

Newsflash, companies pay a lot for location shoots. The company my sister works for flew her and her team from LA to the Catskills in upstate NY during peak leaf color season to make sure they had the right hygge for their marketing. 

Frostbitten thighs? Please. NYC has not been that cold.

Yeah, I get $75/month to shovel from my landlord, but if we get a snowstorm like last April’s, I’m gonna pay a neighbor to snowblow us.

I live in Minnesota. Last year there was a major blizzard in the middle of April.It snowed on May 14, the day I graduated college. The most depressing part of Bad Winter is that you never know when it will end. I try to make a decision to like winter things, but by the time New Years Day is over, I gave all my energy

Why can’t you grill in the winter?!

I have memories of my dad taking me to the men’s room when I was really young.

I’ve been keto for months, and one of the first things I did was figure out what I can eat from fast food, should I need to eat on the go. I can’t believe they have to do this, but at the same time- do they have to or are they just capitalizing on it?

He probably IS cooperating, just not making any public statements. His mother is a public figure who probably has a lot of anger about the situation, which is why she’s talking.

idk, she released an album last November and she didn’t really promote any of her singles or her tour.

That’s not how criminal court works. The state presses charges if they have enough information to believe a crime likely happened. He’s being arraigned, which means that a judge or magistrate has to see if they believe its possible the crime happened and that a DA has enough evidence to present a case, in which the

My ex pointed a loaded gun at me with his finger on the trigger and he got just 30 days in jail (with huber, so he won’t even face any penalty at work). After he’s done with his probation the felony falls to a misdemeanor. And its not like he was protecting shit, he was just an abusive fuck. Some guy who stole my

Yiiiiiiikes that video.

It was and I was aware. I only bought the pen because I told my friend I would get her a souvenir.