
How could I forget the year that my parents decided that she would spend Christmas with her family and my dad would take my sisters to his parents. My mother announced to her family that she was getting divorced and then my parents told us the next day.

We’ll see how this year goes. I might have a good story next year.

You see, my maternal grandmother invited my dad to our big family Christmas Eve party. My parents have been divorced for almost 20 years and while they coexist politely as much as possible, neither my grandmother nor my dad have the critical thinking

I grew up with the daughter of the owner of MyPillow. They’re shitty pillows and I can attest to what a creep he is.

omg i choked at “Right Wing Caillou”

Yeah, I think that most of the 1940's without context would be wrong now. I say we leave that song in the context where it belongs and get some better fucking music.

I watched an episode of Tiny House Hunters once and the couple was pissed that they couldn’t fit a king-sized bed into most of them. Clearly a brilliant couple.

I went to Dash and everything was so ridiculously overpriced. $15 for a regular (but branded) ballpoint pen. $75 for a cheap iPhone case with Kim’s crying face. $20-30 for a keychain of the brand. I bought a pen as a souvenir for my friend because it was the only thing I could afford (lol) and I HAD TO SIGN THE CREDIT

Not to mention putting their own customers at risk. I have a sensitivity to many chemicals and in an environment with recycled air, I would not handle it well. Especially in a scenario like an international flight.

I don’t think she’s on the right mix of medications right now. She seems super lost.

We did this when I was growing up until the dog pulled the tree down one year.

Also WAY better for the environment than fake.

Ariana performs live, you can tell because she usually screws up something at some point in most of her performances. I appreciate the authenticity. You can tell this one is live because the whistle tones are much louder than they are in the recording.

Right? Talk about a weird flex- writing an article throwing shade at something because you don’t have the musical knowledge to understand it.

Somehow along the way my sisters and I changed “The Middle” to “The Dickhole” and it might be super immature, but there is something cathartic about screaming “Baby, why don’t you just meet me in the dickhole. I’m losing my mind for your dickhole.”

This isn’t new. She covered Mariah Carey’s Emotions in 2012, which is linked in the article, including the whistle note part.

I thought it was a good and impressive performance. I was not expecting her to perform the whistle notes in the live versions of the song and thought she nailed it. Why is there a need to criticize it?

And it gives false hope to those kids who might have deployed parents, hoping they’ll show up in the middle of school or something because they saw a shit ton of videos online.

I would say that Ariana’s lack of enunciation is a style choice and not indicative of her talent. There are examples of her singing with clear enunciation (she recently did a song from Wicked at some anniversary celebration), and even parts of her songs can be crystal clear.

ANY form of responsibility paired with a hangover is awful, of course parenting is too. I can’t believe they needed a study to show us this.

The notification issue has been driving me bonkers!