
I view it as his boss is telling him he needs to receive treatment in order to return to work. I could show up at work with the stomach flu to give that presentation in your example, but they’re gonna still send me home if I’m puking. Even if I’m sure I could hold in the vom through the presentation.

Lol, 50 Cent. I thought he was supposed to disappear after that one Kanye album did better than his?

waiting for a WW and Fabletics collab in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2....

I think its so that she can market her athletic wear line to WW customers.

My mother’s family celebrates on Christmas Eve so that those of us with divorced families could see the other side on Christmas Day. As one of those divorced kids, that was awesome- except being that my dad was an RN he often had to work on Christmas. So from a young age I often spent Christmas Day with whichever

I made my dad a growler cover for Christmas out of an old pair of jeans when I was in college and completely broke- like scrounging for change to even drive home for Christmas broke. I hand-stitched that shit and he rolled his eyes when he opened it. I was so pissed because there was clearly thought and effort put

My family does a white elephant exchange and I always actively look for something that will be fought over. It might be wacky and nothing anyone would buy themselves, but I at least make it desireable! My mom always thinks its an excuse to empty her cupboards of junk and I have to remind her every year that she can

I don’t understand how people can see past really atrocious behavior because they themselves haven’t experienced it. Then again, I ditched ALL of my friends two years ago after my ex pointed a gun at me and they all said “well he’s a really nice guy who was having a really bad day”

I literally had no idea who she was talking about when she tweeted that. So maybe I’m just an old (likely), but its also pretty normal for Kanye to assume everything is about him. I don’t think its Ariana’s job to create an environment for Kanye. All these men expecting her to constantly attend to their mental health

Sounds like country music radio is fishing for that audience.

seeking asylum is not illegal

It looks like they hid Tiffany in a different room than the rest of the party.

Chillicothe, not Chillcote.

She said that in imitating Miss Vietnam Summers “was just recreating how Miss Vietnam acts whence doesn’t understand what someone is saying. She wasn’t trying to mock her.”’

Kimberly-Clark is also receiving $28 Million to keep their plant open in Wisconsin. And they can’t even make tampons correctly.

Crazy that Kacey Musgraves can do so well at CMAs and not get any radio play.

I had a hand-me-down cabbage patch kid in the 90's and I used to pretend she was the chubby younger sister of my American Girl Doll (Samantha, the bougie one). This is both awful (by having body-type politics) and heartwarming (because I taught Samantha to stand up to her sister’s bullies) to think back on.

ummmm are you calling Princess Diana, her actual MIL who died in a high-speed car wreck, a speed demon? That seems like poor taste. Otherwise, yes, it would be great to see her GMIL, the Queen, speeding in a chase scene in a movie.

Holy shit that stalker went in and USED HER SHOWER? That’s creepy as hell. Go on with your facial recognition, Taytay.

I’m really not interested in anything Christ Pratt touches, but maybe Octavia Spencer and Julia Louis-Dreyfus could redeem it.