
Ariana later said something along the lines of “True love exists, I was just hungry” which I can generally relate with.

I think its actually one of her dogs tho

Pregnant Cheerleader is addressed in the first few seconds of the video. “I read on Twitter that Ariana was pregnant so I got pregnant so we could be pregnant together. Turns out it was just a rumor.”

UPS guy did good

Right? Ariana confirmed this last week. I’m surprised they didn’t know. And I don’t feel bad shading Jezebel over that because Ari’s been promoing this video for two weeks.

That Not-Lindsay is Elizabeth Gillies, who Ariana worked with on Victorious.

Tea is awful, but then again, I’m allergic to tannins.

Any incident of sexual harassment is worth a policy. No one should be subject to experiencing it.

Its sexual harassment even if they don’t “whip it out”. Some people get thrills from pissing people off and being vulgar. I used to manage in a large coffee chain and had to kick people out a couple of times, including calling the police once on someone who refused to leave.

Me too! After 6 months.

I’m in a union and my health insurance is 1/6th the cost what it was at my last job. And ~as far as I know~ it’s better. I haven’t had to use it yet.

I have a Great Dane so we can’t fit all three of us in the bed when my boyfriend stays over. If the dog isn’t in the bed with us he wakes me up CONSTANTLY trying to get on the bed. This tells me that I sleep much better with a dog next to me than my boyfriend.

I just think of how I came to where I am now and how I’m still learning. We all have to start somewhere, and if he’s on the right trajectory lets nourish it and continue the education, not trash him for the fact he didn’t know in the first place.

I mean, it’s not perfect. I absolutely wish he came around before his kid.

I like gin/ juniper, but I do not like that flavor with coffee. Pass.

I wish everyone supported women because its the right thing to do, but the truth is that most of them just don’t. They need a personal tie to know its important. But if that changes their perspective about supporting ALL women?I’ll take it. Better late than never- your daughters can be the gateway to feminism and I

This is just proof about how out of touch he is with what he’s done.

I’m okay with him paying like $500 a month for the rest of his life, even if he never pays it off. I’m in the same sitch, only instead of starting a wildfire I just went to college.

Thank you, I am. It wasn’t easy, but I’m so glad I went into my experience with DV knowing my worth and knowing I did nothing wrong.

Wow, your comment should be the wikipedia entry for “Gaslighting”