I mean, if you have multiple kids of any gender you’re gonna need more than one chair ‘cause kids are usually little shits in groups.
I mean, if you have multiple kids of any gender you’re gonna need more than one chair ‘cause kids are usually little shits in groups.
The worst behaved, the most destructive, the biggest asshole in our family is my three year old daughter. Her brothers who are 6 and 12 were absolutely angelic at her age. Really easygoing, gentle, eager to please and charming. She can be quite the dick. She isn’t sassy or spicy; she can be downright horrible. The…
I read the worst thing on Facebook the other day and I just really need to share, “This quote my client said to me always makes me tear up: ‘your daughter grows up and becomes a wife but, your son is your son for life.’” I FOREVER NOW MUST TYPE IN ANGER CAPS BECAUSE WHAT IS THIS? WHY? HOW CAN YOU EV? I JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole, “oh, I’m entitled to a child-free existence” mindset seems to be a Western construct in my experience. It’s bizarre, too, because how do these people think that they came to exist?
The erasure of mothers, and in particular poorer mothers, is such an issue. It’s one of the ways the feminist movement makes it abundantly clear that the needs of upper-class white women are paramount, while everyone else needs to take a backseat.
When your country decides to actually provide decent paid maternity leave, then perhaps we’ll talk. Till then....nope. You don’t get to whine about this.
The finest microwaves.
Yeah, I don’t have kids and not many of my friends do.
My ex had sole custody of his son. My job had moved me to the area they lived in after about 8 months of a long distance relationship. The plan was to stay with him while I looked for a place but I did the corporate housing thing and just transitioned to living with them because I was pretty much doing all the stuff…
bc heaven forbid mom feed little Xanalynn her Cheerios while she’s at brunch. Mommy has to relax.
It mostly doesn’t happen. I’ve been hearing about this for years and have become convinced that it’s journalist moms who do and suffer this. Because I’ve never seen it happen anywhere else. The only talked-about mom I ever heard of for real was one who really was quite psycho and would call people up and leave them…
I will quit my teaching job before I allow someone to arm me. Period.
It does my heart good to know you are leaving this worthless jag. You are waaaaay too good for him. He doesn’t deserve a wife or children. Any money once you leave, he falls apart. Good for you getting the hell out! Cheers!
How good is your swing?
Was just thinking to myself that this makes me not to watch Frasier re-runs anymore, but then I was like oh right... Niles. <3
Niles 4EVA!!
The fact the Saudi is an “ally and strategic partner” of the US is one of our great “real politik” shames. That we partipate in dialogue with such a psychopathic monarchy is unfathomable and disgusting.
In some instances, no doubt. Workers being tricked or forced into becoming laborers in a foreign country is frighteningly common. Picture being promised better wages in another country, but when you arrive, you find your pay is far lower than expected, and you're now saddled with a debt for the cost of traveling over…
Speaking as someone who lives but a couple hundred miles from Saudi Arabia, and knows many Filipinos, Indonesians, malaysians, etc. Who live and work in Dubai.... never, ever, ever set foot for any reason in Saudi Arabia. You enter, you are a slave. Period. Your life is not yours. Do not go. No matter how bad it is at…
Haven’t you admitted to not having any kids? Not to be a bitch, but good luck when reality slaps you in the face and you find out you’re completely wrong about everything. Kids ARE beasts from another planet and they can be taught things, but it takes time. You start teaching about boundaries at 2 and they finally…