
Why don’t you just put them in their playpen? That way you can listen to them cry and scream to the point of hyperventilating the entire time you’re trying to poop. Or lock yourself in the bathroom, poop in silence, and come out to find that they have dumped a huge bag of dried pinto beans all over the kitchen floor.

You find yourself saying things like “you can play with your penis in your room, but not in the living room.”

The wedding scene in goodfellas really makes me wish I was in an organized crime family.

Which is a damn shame, because Kentucky is one of the best places on earth to grow cannabis. The soil, humidity, temperature, space, and overall climate are practically perfect for it.

Honest to God, pregnant women don’t need “excuses” for drinking coffee. Or having the occasional glass of wine or beer. Or eating lunch meat. Or having cats (yes, this actually something some people try to shame pregnant women about). Or any of a host of other things. Women’s bodies don’t become public domain just

Um, I’m okay with MRAs narrowing their chances of marrying/fucking any women at all. This sounds like risk reduction.

Like they would know what it looked like. PLEASE FOOLS you can’t even find the clitoris.

One 24-year-old woman told me that her boyfriend broke up with her because ‘he told me that I wasn’t girlfriend material because I had been with 10 guys

Dear Armané, I'm a wildlife rehabber, animals do gay things all the time. So, your argument is quite stupid.

Also, its sad that she feels so dignified by denying them A PIECE OF PAPER.

A Muslim president would no more turn government control to sharia law than Catholic JFK turned it over to the pope—as many feared. Grow up, people. Besides, with the lack of autonomy to women, the Rs are the ones pushing for sharia-style.

The attempted photo seller sucks and Ryan was 100% justified in defriending him. That doesn’t change the fact that I think it’s very funny imagining the private interactions between Ryan and Blake.

Usually I do (or did, since I’ve since quit) just smoke, but they were just giving them out with your purchase and since I had a girls’ night out planned, I was like “Sweet!” I’ve only had one good experience with edibles: my best friend and I got space cakes in Amsterdam and I spent 45 minutes standing in front of

My local dispensary was giving out free jolly ranchers and I was like “Oh, it’s a jolly rancher, nbd!” I took it and in the two blocks it took me to walk home, I completely lost my fucking mind. My friends were at my house because we were cooking dinner together and I could not. fucking. move. They put me on the couch

We are going to hear about this case throughout 2016, as an explanation for why we keep filling our prisons with cannabis users. There were very few violent crimes related to marijuana for the last few decades; however, now that the big-government variety of right-wingers have a single anecdote to use, it’ll be their

If you are already psychotic or are genetically predisposed, marijuana will exacerbate the fuck out of that, sure, but it doesn’t cause psychosis. If that were the case, there’d be a lot more psychotic people running around, myself included.

Just like men say they “don’t know” how to do laundry or clean toilets or make a bed!

I wonder if the women who “don’t know how” to cook are in any way similar to the women who “didn’t know how” to type, back in the days of typing pools. Because back then, any women who applied and mentioned they knew how to type were extremely likely to be assigned to the typing pool, which was where women’s careers

Every time I see that meme “Men Cooking: Because this generation of women don’t know how” I make sure to respond “Men Cooking: Because they are human and need nourishment”