
Mentioning the 9/11 gift shop always makes me think of this.

Oh! I have another one. I had to shake Donald Trump’s hand during the Peace at church on Easter Sunday. Two years in a row.

If he reads me sections of this post coitally.

Sounds like it was dark? And maybe the guy just shouldn't have tried to rape her? Maybe he's the one to blame here?

I have excellent life skills, frankly, and I use Uber quite a bit. I live in a large city where cabs are sparse and unreliable. I’m w/the commenter upthread....Uber over cabs. (Lyft for some reason pulled out of Houston shortly after arriving.)

You’ll have to give me stats on these tons of people being killed and raped. Uber does 1 million rides per day, probably the vast majority of them turn out fine. Me and my partner have been using Uber for almost 3 years now, and the worst either of us have had was a driver with poor directions and a short temper.

Doesn’t seem like you understand how uber works, tbh.

Uber is what he calls his dick.


Is Kris upset because Caitlyn starts her name with a C?

Any beliefs of non-violence I have are suspended when it comes to these fucking monsters. This woman did the world a public service.

I am generally a pacifist. But damn if I’m not enjoying speculating how this brave woman took that motherfucker down. I hope the woman lives to tell the tale.

The homeopaths were rescued after they were seen rolling around in a field near their hotel, gibbering incoherently.”

They should have diluted it in water until there was statistically probably nothing but water left.

We can hang out. I could win a fucking Nobel Prize and would still get the ‘but how can you feel fulfilled without A BABY’ bullshit.

Probz sending mash letters to Hillary’s secret e-mail accounts. You know the ones that the govt hasn’t found where she talks about her plan to castrate all men and make abortions mandatory...

I have people in my life who believe that Obama is the “worst president of their lifetime” and every time they say it I am just dumbfounded. He’s not perfect and he’s not the best, but damn if he’s not compassionate, empathetic, brilliantly intelligent, and, I feel, trying his best and not 100% failing at it.

She’s not my hero. She drove drunk and is choosing to make light of her punishment instead of accepting the consequences.

I’m so over worrying if my kid eats dirt. One day, I’m driving in the car, and I glance back and he has his shoe in his mouth. His dirty shoe that he walks around in all day was IN HIS MOUTH. So, whatever, he licks his shoes. Most dirt is cleaner.