
Ours is from the 60’s. A woman in our town put it on Craigslist. She said it had been her pram as a baby in Brooklyn, and she used it for her children, who are now long past needing a perambulator. We can’t load it in the car easily, so it is parked in my craft room and we use it for neighborhood walks or walking the

Some families ARE actually that close to each other.

How about changing the narrative around parenthood giving you brain-mush? When you have a kid, that’s your new big thing. Why would you not talk about parenting stuff all the time?

Females need encouragement.

You kind of missed the point of the article, but it has to be said:

Curious as to how the butthurt MRA dudes will spin this into their “feminists are ruining all the moviez!” narrative.

“I promise,” Grenierwrote on Instagram, “there are strong female characters and I think women also like to have fun, just like the boys.”

Well, of course you need a quality carrier for your baby flask.

Your source is extremely biased activist who is on a crusade against home birth. Her medical license also expired in 2003.

Dads get applauded for just being dads and doing everyday dad things. Moms get told they are doing it wrong no matter what.

I’m an anthropologist, and although this is probably stating the TOTAL OBVIOUS TO ANYONE WHO THINKS ABOUT CHILDBIRTH FOR MORE THAN 10 SECONDS, there has been medical assistance - of one kind or another - and the use of various things to assuage the pain and make it easier for mom, from the beginning of time.

The wise man stands right next to his wife - both for support and because, if he ever wants to go back there, he probably doesn’t want to see what’s going on.

She does. Also makes a sarcastic “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” comment at the same time.

My mom remembers that she got “twilight sleep” and two weeks in the hospital. She always jokes that's why there were so many large families back in the day: Drugs and two weeks off. Why not have another?

You pass no judgment, right. Please to re-read your post for tone and word choice.

21 days ago, I would have agreed with you, at 41 weeks, 4 days pregnant. Then I went into labor, and unfortunately, despite my midwife and doula being pretty great at what they do, my baby contorted into a weird shape and literally got lodged in my pelvis. Without a wonderful anesthesiologist and obstetrician

Since it was unlikely to be attracting predators to you and your newborn while you were recovering from childbirth and unable to escape the ravening hordes of wild beasts hunting weak prey, you made the right call.

Animals eat the placenta to prevent predators from smelling a potential meal of new mother, babies and afterbirth.

I am a fucking hippie. I freely acknowledge this undisputed fact. I homebirthed. Loved it. I buried all four of my placentas in the yard and planted a fucking tree on top of them. I breastfed way past my kids being able to have full conversations about how and when they would like to nurse. I coslept. I made my own

This is nonsensical to me. Between the server, his manager, and the GM, nobody had the time or insight to ask them to point to what they wanted from the menu? Unless I’m missing something obvious, this is a highly unlikely scenario. Which is the polite way of saying “I call bullshit.”