
The first person I heard talking about chemtrails was my sister in law, and that was ten years ago. She said that the chemtrails had a substance in them that made people complacent. Also Obama is a muslim terrorist, and she has no sympathy for people who get AIDS, because butt stuff is disgusting, etc.

I bet chemtrails are causing this epidemic of gluten intolerance.

Chemtrails gave me Morgellons.

Looks like all that time she spends “doing school” every weekday has been really effective.

I wish he’d show a more serious side now and again. All that smiling, grinning, and laughing are a little monotonous.

Kanye West always looks like he JUST killed someone.


Nope. The U.S. Should not have any military presence anywhere except for the actual 50 states—and even then in a very, very restricted way. Our military should only be used to defend our own country from hostile invading armies. Or, in the case of the national guard, helping in distasters.

“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”

Build a time machine so we can go back and not invade Iraq in 2003.

Wait, what? I had no idea that was Stephen Tyler until I read your comment and scrolled back up. Thought it was Johnny Depp as well.

My first thought when I saw Stephen Tyler was ‘wow, Johnny Depp has lost a lot of weight.’


See, that must be fake. No one in London makes tortured decisions about which flat to rent. You just desperately throw your money at the estate agent the moment you see anything even remotely habitable.

These girls really really really wanted to be near the beach—to get an “island experience.” On the where-are-they-now, I hope it’s after a hurricane that changed the shoreline, so the water is farther away and the beach is full of debris—like fishing boats run aground and random roof tiles.

That is the biggest load of bull shit I have ever read... I might just be physically ill. What the hell do they mean that progressives not being worried about deviants, rapists, and molesters? That’s all progressive culture worries about we exposed people like that all the time they are no different. Just ugh!

Ehh, just find yourself a sarcastic asshole friend who’s having a baby at roughly the same time as you, and then join a regular site. Send each other screencaps of the ridiculousness and make fun of all the idiots. It’s more entertaining than an actual useful non-mushy site would be. Another option is to check out

I know nothing about pregnancy. I’m just replying to say “ew!” to:

I’m sorry I didn’t even notice that fucking baby because her face is so perfect I want to kiss it or punch it or maybe cry? Like holy fucking bone structure, girl.

The irony is that a free spirited, independent young woman with New Agey views like Willow Smith would not be super welcome at Mecca.