Kind of appalling to compare anything the Kardashians/Jenners have ever done to intrafamilial molestation. Kylie Jenner getting lip injections =/= a brother fondling his young sisters.
Kind of appalling to compare anything the Kardashians/Jenners have ever done to intrafamilial molestation. Kylie Jenner getting lip injections =/= a brother fondling his young sisters.
I’d advise staying away from places like the official Duggar facebook page. The people defending him are about to give me a rage stroke. Lots of “he who hasn’t sinned should cast the first stone,” “it’s normal for young boys to be sexually curious,” “it was in the past,” “god forgives all,” etc. Because you know,…
The only time I ever caught a bouquet was during a promotion at a Lush store, and whoever caught it would win a bath bomb. I caught it one-handed because they were also giving out cupcakes.
Is she also demanding that you pick a China pattern?
I talked to the mother! I talked to the grandfather! What? Why would I ask the 17-year-old herself? What’s the point of that? Besides, look at her obvious joy in her wedding photos!
Those photos are heartbreaking, she can't even/doesn't even want to look at the camera. This is 2015, right? How is stuff like this still a thing? And in what world do people think that if people can't talk about things, they don't exist. That has never worked in the past and it will never work in the future.
See, this is why I’m not all about “letting other cultures be” and shit. So basically the state (in this case Chechnya) is sanctioning child rape? Fuck. These. Assholes.
Single Ladies DID come on at my aunt’s wedding. The DJ asked for single ladies (not “unmarried”) to go out on the floor and me and my sisters (the token youth) exchanged looks like, “we have boyfriends.” After about a minute of silence, her bridesmaids awkwardly formed a line. The married ones scrunched out of the way…
I feel ya, bro.
My flight from Toronto to Montreal was pushed back an hour...then we were delayed an hour and a half....which made me VERY late for my connecting flight to France. I got to the desk and they said “so sorry but you’re SOL and the plane is leaving, here you can stay in this hotel for THREE DAYS until we…
I guess I can see how being one of the biggest stars in the world... and then not... could be tough. I almost feel sorry for her, but not quite.
Yes, but as someone said upthread, it will require Cosby to start actually answering questions about this rape. And that may be all she and her lawyer are after.
She reminds me of one of those moms who tries really hard to be hip and fun for her kid’s friends. It's embarrassing to watch.
Calling other people jealous bitches sure doesn’t make her seem as fun as she thinks she is.
Good for her! What I like about this, is even if they lose, he’ll have to sit through a deposition and actually answer questions. Hopefully Dickinson is in a financial place where she isn’t tempted to settle under confidential terms.
Making out with a bunch of dudes is the best reason ever. I should go on there and be queen’d be great.
Ugh, don’t make me jelly.
Well, I think that’s the standard we should all live by today. And the next time my husband is presented to the king, he’ll be properly attired. I, of course, will be wearing flip-flops and a bikini.
Some of us can walk (though preferably in flats) and chew gum at the same time. This isn’t a zero sum game.