Hell if I know, and we made the damned pizza. (We ended up just leaving borders of cheese on the sides of the pepperoni). And honestly, I had stopped trying to figure out how his mind worked after the first few insane orders he placed.
Hell if I know, and we made the damned pizza. (We ended up just leaving borders of cheese on the sides of the pepperoni). And honestly, I had stopped trying to figure out how his mind worked after the first few insane orders he placed.
When Sansa was futzing with her sleeve, I was *really, really* hoping that she was going for a concealed dagger.
This is actually a really cool idea. I’m a little hesitant because flooding any ecosystem with too much of one thing can really screw it up, but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I think that is Ramsey’s biggest mistake. He turned Reek back into Theon—a Theon who feels remorse and guilt— and made Theon and anyone else (Brienne) look like a good alliance.
I want Brienne to arrive just as Sansa has chopped Ramsey’s head off, and is kicking the shit out of his body.
Before my wedding I read French Women Don’t Get Fat. On the whole, many of the suggestions in the book are good, but she recommends a weekend leek cleanse. So I made up the leeks and leak soup and convinced my husband to do it with me. I made it about 4 hours and ordered Jimmy John’s for lunch, and forgot to tell him…
I have a fantasy of Brienne coming in later and cutting Ramsay’s fucking head off. Pleasepleaseplease!!!
Thank you! Everyone who’s up in arms about this confuses the hell out of me. I’m like “what the hell did you think was going to happen on Sansa and Ramsay’s wedding night?”
Any diet that allows diet soda is suspect.
If I could take my boobs off sometimes (like for sleeping), that would be AMAZING.
15 MONTHS???! That is ridiculous and inexcusable. There are people in prison for fucking possession of marijuana for over ten years. Our justice system is all kinds of fucked sometimes.
Thank god this dumb disgusting entitled yeasty piece of smegma infused fecal matter is doing some time (though he should be doing ALOT more) & will have to register as the piece of crap he is. Hopefully the other girls get justice as well. What #Yesalldaughters did was incredible & the courage of the boy who handed…
You have a reading comprehension problem. She literally stated that people she talks to will say these things to her. She isn’t talking about how feminist posts indirectly make her angry. She’s referring to people who get pissy when they ask the “Where do you work?” question and get “I’m a homemaker.” response.
But that’s why she keeps saying “present day women”. They aren't being told that en masse. Yes there are obviously massive issues, but she saying that people who didn't fight that battle are giving her shit.
I divorced, fought the good fight for 23 years in the workplace including having my ass grabbed and fighting tooth and nail to be treated respectfully, and saved my pennies to be able to have this great opportunity. So, when those eyes roll and snarky comments are made...it kinda pisses me off.
I don’t think feminism and being a stay at home wife/mother should be considered incompatible…I mean, it sounds like you are bashing her for her choices to do that (and hey, it’s what makes her happy and fulfilled-which I think is kind of the point in the first place?) Tirades like these are most of what gives…
I agree. But in modern day terms there are multiple reasons it’s not a choice. It’s not all down to a male dominated society telling women what they can and cannot do (yes, thanks to people like the author’s mother, my own mother, and several other women).
Because society still likes to pit women against each other for their choices and make it harder to stand together. Phyllis Schlafly is a fascinating version of this. She has had an amazing career and still fights mightily against feminism. What you are doing IS feminist, because as a woman it was your choice, and…
It’s my opinion that, generally speaking, people are only judgmental and bitchy when they aren’t entirely comfortable with their own choice so they feel the need to denigrate the choices others are making. the “mommy wars” would go away quickly, I think, if we'd all give each other a break and give others the freedom…