
I don’t condone pushing social obligations on kids all the time either. Kids are people and are allowed to have opinions and like/not like people. But occasionally requiring your kid to attend the party of a kid who doesn’t have many friends, or to invite a kid who doesn’t have many friends, isn’t going to scar him or

God damn it Kourtney, stop making me like you. I don't want to like you.

School peers can be a lot more dangerous than random strangers.

Well aren’t you a special little snowflake??!!

Yeah, like jesus christ. You buy a barbie at target, wrap it, give to your kid to put in the pile, tell them to be nice to the birthday kid and everyone else, they get cake and ice cream and then come home and crash from the sugar high - IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL JUST MAKE YOUR KID BE NICE TO OTHER KIDS AND THEY ALSO GET

Man, Beanie Babies aren’t worth dick. That’s why I put all MY money in pogs. Sound investment.

What the shit???? When I was a kid, my parents made me go to several classmates’ parties that I didn’t want to go to. They also made me invite people I didn’t want to invite to my parties because they didn’t want kids left out. I strongly believe this taught me a valuable lesson about including people and doing the

I had one of the princess Di beanie babies when I was a kid. Lord only knows where it is now.

I’m not pregnant (unless a spaghetti baby counts?), and I don’t even look half as fabulous as her. #fashiongoals

As i sit here 9 months pregnant with swollen cankles, swollen fingers, swollen face. Yes, Yes she looks cooler than me.

It’s funny how grossed out they are about breasts being used for their original purpose (i.e. feeding), when the only reason they are evolutionarily interested in breasts is precisely because they are FOR FEEDING your offspring. I just can’t with these people.

It must be difficult going through life with all those dairy products surrounding you. I can’t imagine many restaurants you can go to where they don’t have milk on the kid’s menu and cheese on several of the appetizers and entrees. Your life must be a living hell if you are so sensitive to lactose that even the sight

So...no feeding babies from a bottle in public, or anyone drinking a glass of milk anywhere near you.

You are a self-entitled prick.

Please, tell me how breastfeeding endangers you. Are you worried that with your social skills, those are the only real-life breasts you’ll ever see, get distracted, and walk into something?

Your smoke, on the other hand, definitely endangers people. On the bright side, if you’re a smoker, then you’ll eliminate yourself

Breastfed infants are significantly less likely to have allergies. Maybe if we leave women alone to feed their babies the way nature intended, this wouldn't be a serious problem.

Yup. I’ve had five babies and never owned a bottle. I’m supposed to buy one especially for when I go out when breastfeeding works for me as well as it does when baby and I are at home? How about no?

That song will always remind me of Mark Wahlberg fingerbanging Reese Witherspoon on a roller coaster.


Pearl Jam - “Black” (c’mon that’s a slam dunk)

Wow! I guess so! I’m 34 and this stuff and Portishead and NIN is ripped straight from my years of teenaged angst. I hope it’s because you were a happy teen, lol.