
They really do need groups for non-offenders, because talking about it and seeing they’re not alone in their desires would surely be beneficial and help prevent someone from going from a non-offender to an offender.

Those people will never be rehabilitated by going to prison. They should be isolated and locked up with each other. They need intensive therapy. There really is no other way, because they’ll just keep harming children. I’m sure their crimes disgust everyone, but as a mother of young children, I’m especially disturbed

I’m FUCKING DISGUSTED by the lenient sentences given to child abusers in the UK. A man in Scotland, who worked in a hospital and had access to children, was just given a lenient sentence for possessing photos of newborns being abused. It makes me physically ill to think that these mentally deranged, dangerous

It may have been. I know Brad sold photos to People and gave the money to charity. Maybe when his twins were born? Their wedding photos were in People, so it could have been the same sort of situation there.

It’s because the 10-year-old in Jen’s womb is ready to emerge, at last. She’s been waiting on that baby to arrive forever.

Yes, guests came in on buses and the entire event was covered - I think even the walk from the buses to the house - so no paps could snap photos from helicopters. I thought it was pretty shitty that they had such a lovely day and had to be under cover because of assholes with cameras.

I’m that old, too. Totally remember Jen and Brad’s wedding. I think it was the summer I graduated from high school. Fuck, that was 15 years ago...

I would bet money on Justin cheating with the dog walker cover stories within the next two months.

Is it safe to assume that some tabloid had a “Jen is getting married, finally!” cover last week (doesn’t one of them have it every single week?), so someone was finally right? I wish this meant the “Jen is pregnant!” covers would end, but I don’t think that will happen until girl turns 50.

I lived in Canada for a while and men were given parental leave, too, which makes sense. It’s not just a mother who’s the parent, which many Americans fail to understand. For many parents, the woman is the one who would take leave, simply because she’s the one nursing the child, but for those who bottle feed, either

I have posted this story here before, but I think it should be posted again.

If you think Starbucks ruins drinks, try Tim Hortons. A latte there is shit in a cup.

Agreed, says the woman who has given up sweets after having non-stop cake cravings for the entire 9 months of my pregnancy and would now like to lose about 10lbs of baby weight. I think eating a shitload of buttery, syrupy pancakes and being overweight is a far better option at this point.

I hate stupid women like that. If your husband/family/society isn’t forcing you to stay at home, reproduce, sew, cook, clean, etc., then you’re benefiting from feminism. I enjoy all of those things and do them regularly by choice, not because I’m told I have to.

That was actually a little selection of the lovely comments from the general public on the Jezebel article on Facebook. I’ve either unfriended or unfollowed people who post shit on my newsfeed, too, to make my life happier. If I knew people who posted crap like that, I’d be sad. Fortunately, my mom posts things like

While I don’t disagree, in Hefner’s case, women could say no and leave. Cosby never gave them that opportunity.

Unfortunately, some women are (morons) so disconnected from reality, that they have zero concern for their own interests and support candidates who clearly hate women. He may not have the support of most women, but he does have a disturbingly high amount of support from Republican women. These are probably women who

Look at Facebook... you’re spot on, unfortunately.

There are employers who don’t accommodate breastfeeding mothers who need to pump, but do accommodate smokers. How fucked is that?
