
Jesus Christ. That is fucked up.

I think in most situations, the parents are more bothered by their kids behaviour than other people are. There are definitely entitled parents out there, and also miserable people who hate kids, but generally, I find that to be true. A really nice woman with a boy about my daughter’s age has been profusely apologising

I don’t hate children at all, but THAT is a poor life choice if I’ve ever seen one. SEVEN!?!?

That dad wins asshole of the year. Leaving a quiet, polite 12-year-old with an iPad and a set of headphones in coach is probably okay, but two kids under 6?!?! Talk about irresponsible.

Yes, but it doesn’t mean you can never travel on a plane again.

Thank you!

Also I’m going to assume that Jane placed her child there AFTER the person behind her settled in (because you have to hold your child while take off) - so the persons stuff was already there and I doubt she asked that person to move it. If the person’s stuff was taking up all the room, then they’d be no room for her

Why would you care that women are being harassed when there are minorities currently not in jail? Priorities, people!

It’s parents like that who have me convinced I will never, ever be a part of the PTA. And, if I am, I’m going to smoke a joint in the parking lot beforehand and then laugh at how ridiculous they all are.

It’s not like they’re posting actual stories about their students, using their full names, or photos of the kids, saying what little shits they are. This is harmless humour!

I would probably be slipping them envelopes full of cash to supplement their crappy pay, because they’re taking care of my little monsters (they’re -1 week and almost 2 years, so no clue if they will be monsters, but I assume) for nearly an entire year.

You clearly set a bad example for your students, you heathen! How dare you be over 21 and menstruate!

Exactly. Thank you, teachers, for doing what you do. I won’t be homeschooling, because I don’t want to be around my kids 24/7. You get them during most of the day, doing a lot of non-fun stuff they hate, so I’d imagine they’re not always little happy rays of sunshine.

My mother-in-law was paying for my wedding and it was still a bit irritating that she turned it into her day. We wanted to elope, she didn’t want us to, so she decided to throw us a last-minute, low-key wedding. It was nice of her, but she doesn’t have the ability to not make everything about her. I was the most

I don’t understand the point of an ultrasound before an abortion. Most women are having an abortion in their first trimester and at that point, you’re looking at a clump of cells. I first saw a scan of my baby from my current pregnancy around 8 weeks, and the doctor was expecting me to get excited over a dot on the

Yuck. First trimester flashbacks.

He drank the not being white drink. We just don’t age well.

This is what happens when two beautiful people have children. She is stunning.

Oh dear... I was hoping it wasn’t the Smith kid. I love Lenny, but those Smith kids... uggghhh...

I know. I’m pretty shocked it’s the BBC. I’d expect this from ITV.