After losing the millions upon millions of pounds Top Gear was earning them, perhaps they will switch to advertising! Or, more likely, TV license fees will rise :(
After losing the millions upon millions of pounds Top Gear was earning them, perhaps they will switch to advertising! Or, more likely, TV license fees will rise :(
Yes. America may have invented reality television, but the British have made it what it is today.
I always got the impression that Pizza Hut was testing their food out on the UK market, assuming that if drunk British people would eat it, so would fat Americans. I remember the cheeseburger crust pizza (mini cheeseburgers as a crust) being launched and thinking, “Who in the hell would eat that?!?!”. Then, my drunk…
It’s so funny that I had the exact same reaction to these photos. I can only do metals like sterling silver, gold and surgical steel. Jewellery makes me break out in a rash. My earlobes swelled to the size of grapes the last time I tried cheap earrings. I had to wait two years, get them re-pierced, and invest in some…
My husband is probably the least-concerned man in the world when it comes to stuff like that. If someone were to give him this “man test”, he’d call me up and ask me to do it for him. It’s nice, in a way, that he finds me capable of doing everything, but it’s also because he’s really, ridiculously lazy.
For some women, the fact that some mechanics still ask us if we want to consult our fathers or husbands on car-related matters makes us automatically avoid dealing with those jerks. Car maintenance was my husband’s job, because I apparently lived in the 1950’s and was treated like a brainless moron at the mechanic.…
I’m all about doing things myself, but when there’s help out there and you have shit preventing you from doing something, there’s no shame in asking for help.
The first time I had to change a tire, I was at home when I saw I had a flat, I had to be at work in an hour, so I Googled it. It was so easy, I really didn’t even need Google. The only thing I would have had an issue with was knowing to put on my parking break and where exactly to put the jack. I would have figured…
Then I get midnight text messages from unknown 14 year olds who want to know if drinking bleach at 7 months will induce a miscarriage.
I’m such a crier, that I totally cried over how much crying there was at your wedding. Also, I’m dealing with 38 week pregnant hormones, but I’m sure I’d cry anyway.
I’d probably cry over a too-small dog, too.
I’ve seen the argument that your child shouldn’t be on a leash, because they should know better and you should teach them to stay close. That’s great in theory, but it’s rubbish in reality! They can be the best behaved child, but all toddlers like running off at times. Until they’re older, they don’t understand that…
I think you have to be a self-absorbed jackass before kids to be one after. The world is filled with them, it’s just easier to tell when they’re doing something like changing a diaper in the middle of a restaurant.
The leash is essential when you’re 8 months pregnant and your toddler, who has become quicker than you, isn’t old enough to understand “don’t run away”, and will scream like a little monster if they aren’t allowed out of their stroller. I never understood the hate for child leashes, considering the alternative is…
While I do think some child-free people tend to not understand what it’s like to be a parent and can be assholes towards those that do have children, some people with children sometimes get a sense of entitlement that makes them think they can do whatever they damn well please and are assholes towards the general…
That sounds like the India I know :)
When I imagine her “doing school”, I’m picturing a box of crayons and those workbooks that my mom bought me when I was about 5, that have basic math problems and connect the dots.
No, the autism comes from aborted fetuses in vaccines. They grind them up and throw them in there. Duh!
Really? Even China Eastern, which, I’m convinced, is the shittiest airline known to man, put us up in a hotel when they cancelled our flight in Delhi. Then, when they cancelled our flight in Shanghai, they put us up again.
Oh my fucking god... that’s my nightmare...