
I have no idea, but personally I put my kids in car seats out of concern for their lives, not concern for anyone who may be injured if they become projectiles. This is the article that convinced me it was worth it to purchase seats for them: http://siouxcityjournal.com/flight232/year…

The meme doesn’t imply that all men are capable of murder. You inferred that. The meme says “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”

Because many of us, especially in the larger cities, have moved away from our families because our small hometowns are not career hubs. So we don’t have family to help, and it’s not to easy to find a kindly old neighbor down the street who will take in your child for a minimal fee, especially if you have any concerns

Entrepreneurial = “We will work you to death.”

I haven’t either! There were about 2 million other things I was told to worry about, but this adds just one more to the list. I had no idea that list could get longer.

This is hilarious. I watched Criminal Minds constantly the first several months of breastfeeding - while breastfeeding. I wasn’t worried my children would pick up on all the murder and mayhem once they were out of me; I certainly wouldn’t have worried about it while they were inside. Now, once they got a little older

While it’s definitely true that songwriters are usually happy to give a huge star a co-writing credit even if they didn’t really do any writing, there is also a belief among songwriters that anyone who contributes to a song, no matter how small the contribution, gets some of the writer’s share. Linda Perry should know

Yeah. I didn’t say that training and marketing budgets are the same thing. I am saying they have a poor overall company strategy.

I know plenty about GMOs. I grew up on a farm in western Kansas. Many of my family friends grow GMOs. They grow them because they enable them to use less inputs (fertilizer, water, pesticides) at a higher yield. They grow them because the best GMOs help them be better stewards of the land and better conservationists.

The vast majority of scientists agree that GMO crops are safe so focusing on them is ridiculous. The point isn’t that GMO crops would have protected Chipotle: the point is that they are busy focusing on meaningless food safety issues yet seem to have ignored actual food safety issues.

They were so distracted by fake food safety issues like GMOs that they didn’t pay attention to actual food safety issues.

I guess I better call my husband and tell him that someone on the internet disapproves of him knocking me up when he was 58. Where were you to save my children from their horrible future before I got pregnant? Maybe I should just give them up for adoption now.

Thank you so much for this (from someone whose husband was 58 when we had our kids). My husband talked to a couple of friends of his with older dads before we had kids, and both encouraged him to go for it and said they didn’t have any issues their their father’s ages. In fact both said what you did - their dads were

I had 2 babies and they demanded a diet of cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes (preferably from In n Out), as well as plenty of pancakes and omelettes. Oh, and lots of cheesecake. The only time I had morning sickness was when I ignored my craving for a burger and had a salad instead. So I just listened to my cravings

Yes! Take that people (okay, mostly my mom) who said I would give myself GD by drinking so many milkshakes during my pregnancy!

Also, your father cannot consent to sex for you...just in case there is any truth to the new allegation that the father gave his permission for the guys to rape her.

Earlier I said his story checked out except for the HUGE omission that he was having sex with his daughter....but it’s also being reported that there may not have been a gun, as he is the only one who reported seeing it. He also said he tried to call police, but reports say he drunkenly asked to use the phone in a

According to the reports they weren’t so much pleas for help as drunken ramblings from a guy who could barely stand up and who didn’t express any sense of urgency. Perhaps he was conflicted about calling for help lest someone figure out he had been having sex with his daughter just before the other rapist showed up.

Sounds like her father isn’t so much a hero/witness (let alone a perfect one) as he is also a rapist.

Um, if the dad was having sex with the daughter beforehand, it sounds like his story did NOT check out. That’s a pretty huge detail he left out. Maybe the rest of his story checked out - and it sounds like it did - but that’s a lie by omission right there.