
When I was in high school, we had an Italian exchange student for a year. She was from northern Italy and often complained about how horrible southern Italians were. One day I told her she was prejudiced. She said, “I’m not prejudiced. I like black people!” I explained she was prejudiced against southern Italians, and

I kind of love the fact that Bill took the photo. I imagine the woman (Margot?) being like, whatever dude, I don’t care that you were the President, I just want a picture with your wife. Can you use a camera?

To be fair, educating the kids on gun safety could very well mean that girl knew where the gun was, how to handle it safely, and how to use it. That’s how my gun education worked (along with the instructions to never, never touch it without adult supervision, but I would imagine someone would ignore that advice in

I can’t figure out what you and the families you know 5-6 times a week. Cook dinner? Play with your kid? Be home at the same time? Anyway, that’s great for you and your circle of friends. I’m lucky to get home once a week on workdays before my kids have dinner. A couple of nights this week neither parent could get

One of my sons, after skiing for the first time, told me he used speed and trajectory. My husband, the ski instructor and I were amazed because we thought he’d worked that out on his own. And then I asked him later how he know about speed and trajectory, and he said it was from Blaze and the Monster Machine.

That’s hilarious. Are you familiar with the realities of working parents, commutes, and how freaking hard it is for one parent to be home by dinner, let alone both? And that’s for 2 parent families. You may be surprised to know there are single parents out in the world.

A question for any attorneys out there regarding Wesleyan not knowing about a lawsuit filed against him while he worked for them: is there some legal reason the school wasn’t informed? Is it illegal for prosecutors to inform someone’s employer if they have been charged with something or sued?

I applaud the idea, but I wish he would just donate it straight to Hillary’s campaign fund.

I’d never heard of this case until this week, when I started to read an article about the case and the confession. I got to the part where Jacob asked the man if he would take him home, and the murderer said no, he wouldn’t be going home. I have 5 year old twin sons and was so upset by it I couldn’t read any more.

I belong to a few parenting groups and it seems that lots of people have showers for 2nd babies. I always thought the etiquette was that showers were only for the first baby, but I think that’s gone by the wayside. Also now there are gender reveal parties in addition to the shower. I am thankful that no one I know

I need to ask my dad. I know that in the past, I was able to buy directly from a local feedyard that some friends own. But my dad said they’re not butchering the cattle there anymore and they send them to the packing plant. Maybe some of the other feedyards have something on site, I’m not sure.

I don’t consider 30 miles that far, but what I was referring to was your point about buying from a local butcher shop. There are no small local butcher shops. There are huge corporate packing plants. I don’t have a problem with them - my dad has actually been inside to see cattle being slaughtered, as he works in the

I grew up in the largest cattle producing county in western Kansas. There is no local butcher shop. It closed a few years ago. Everyone sends their cattle to the large-scale packing plants the next town over (30 miles away).

As another former farm kid, I agree with most of this, but I wanted to point out that family farms are often corporate farms too. My family farm was incorporated. I assume by corporate you mean large-scale farms (that are still most likely owned by families) where smaller scale farmers are often hired to do some or

Yep. I have, on other rare occasions, agreed with Newt too. Now I can’t even remember what it was about - just that I was shocked at the time.

I’ve seen worse too, but if you’re going to write an epic email about what an incredible talent you are as you quit your job, you should prove you’re a decent writer. And I’m aware that was a bit of a run-on sentence too, but I’m not claiming to be invaluable to a gossip mag.

I think she’s outing herself as a lousy writer. Holy run-on sentences!

With an annual revenue of $2.8 billion, I think they can survive parting with $700k.

When I was in college, I dated a guy who lost his virginity to a teacher too, also when he was a young teenager. He was 10 years old than me when we dated and I was young and naive and awestruck that an older guy liked me (you know, how the older guys always get the young vulnerable girls). He always talked about this

He’s just mentally ill, right? And these co-producers are just taking advantage of him? That’s really the only logical explanation for this “performance art.”