
Oh man. It gets worse. The suspects claim the father and daughter were having sex. Not that we should believe a rapist, but I’m not giving any father of the year awards to the newly-found biological father who took his 18 year old daughter to a park to get drunk with her.

It sounds like he wasn’t strolling. He was so drunk he was swaying, and he showed no sense of urgency.

You have good instincts. I imagine the father was initially referred to as a friend because - according to this - he’s the biological father she only recently reconnected with. He was also too drunk to report the rape.

Sounds like he didn’t run in and hysterically tell them to call the cops so much as he stumbled in and mumbled something in drunken stupor without any sense of urgency.

From what I read earlier tonight, the father was so drunk that the clerks who talked to him didn’t know why he needed a phone, and he didn’t appear to need it urgently. Also worth noting I think - the dad is the biological dad who the daughter just reconnected with. It sounds like this is a new relationship. I don’t

It is consolation to me. I find comfort in statistics. That’s why I was fine sending my kids to their non-LAUSD preschool today. The threat was against a handful of LAUSD schools, so I don’t see why I should be concerned sending my child to a non-LAUSD school - yet apparently I’m in a minority, because Facebook moms’

My kids’ non-LAUSD Preschool is still open, but my husband reported very light attendance when he dropped our kids off.

I saw a post on a moms’ group from a stay at home mom offering to take in kids whose parents had to work. She didn’t have any takers yet, but many thanks from other parents for her generous offer.

I swear I read something yesterday where one of the prosecutors said she felt bad for his family. She followed it up with something about how this was the right verdict, but I was shocked she was expressing sympathy for him, or his family, under these circumstances. And I can even understand feeling sympathy for his

I think it’s worth noting that there is a drive by a EODM fan to get their cover of Duran Duran’s “Save a Prayer” to the #1 chart spot in the UK. Duran Duran has announced they will be donating all publishing royalties from the EODM cover in honor of the victims in Paris. No decision yet on exactly where they are

We’re refinancing our mortgage and getting cash back to help pay for preschool (fingers crossed that goes through this month). We have twins and go deeper into debt every month, as preschool costs the same as our mortgage. My husband and I can’t afford NOT to work but we usually don’t make quite enough to cover

You probably wouldn’t be offended because you’re not pregnant. If you were pregnant or had been, you would know how infuriating it is to have total strangers tell you what you should/shouldn’t be eating/drinking/doing/wearing, and how much weight you should/shouldn’t be gaining, and how long you have left based on how

My doctor said I could have wine and sushi. He said wine in moderation (no more than a glass a week) and sushi anytime, as long as it was from somewhere I’d eaten sushi before and felt comfortable that I wouldn’t get bad sushi. And he said if I was going to spend all my time afterwards freaking out about eating it,

I guess I am technically a Jayhawk in the Kansas sense of the word, but if I were forced to choose a side in collegiate sports, I would have to go with the Wildcats to avoid being disowned.

A lot of them seem to be reading a different book.

That’s what we always said about my cousin when his dad used him as a pawn to get back at my aunt after their divorce. My aunt’s ex had primary custody and refused to let anyone on my aunt’s side of the family see my cousin during his custodial time. The ex lived a few hours away in a city we visisted often; my aunt

Are you me or perhaps my long lost sister? Because you just described my dad. For that matter, it describes most gun owners I know.

I completely agree. I have kids now, and it’s important to me to spend time with them. It’s so important that I fight for it now, and I didn’t fight for that time when I was single. But I should have fought for it then. I worked a lot of soul-crushing long hours that really impacted my quality of life. My single years

I’ve actually started volunteering that I have kids during interviews, and I tell the interviewer that because I have kids, there will be days I can’t stay late and there may be days I need to come in a little early. I tell them that I will do my job, that I don’t mind logging back on in the evening after I get home,

I work in market research and there are 2 women in my division who work 30 hours a week so they can spend more time with their kids. I’m fairly certain that neither get benefits as a result. I keep thinking it sounds appealing but (a) I can’t afford a pay cut right now, and (b) I carry our family health insurance as