
I worked in videogame marketing, Pewdiepie and Rooster Teeth and many other top YouTubers absolutely sell their coverage. The going rate is five or six figures, depending on the outlet, audience, and level of coverage. I worked for a top three game publisher, all of them do it.

Everyone assumes everyone lives in New York; is it on YouTube or it didn't happen.

The lesson is clear: Never leave the house.

She is crime scene cool with that perpetrator.


Unless real unions are organized, along the lines they have in Hollywood, nothing will come of this.

You should introduce it to your shitty comments section.

"Lyin' Eyes" is the only Eagles song I can abide. Its narrative is so bare bones, I don't like it for the story. It is because of Classic Rock Stockholm Syndrome. Some of those classic rock stations used to play Hotel California three or four times a day, to the point you wanted to kill them. Literally strangle them

If it were an 80s movie it would've been about a smug time-travelling nerd who visited Iceland and Rescued the Princess from a Snow Queen. The videogame would be even more genderific.

No one told me my comments were now followed! So yes, I was ranting inappropriately!

Yes, it happens everywhere, even New York, even in small towns in Iowa. But in parts of India and the Muslim world and beyond it's so bad women cannot even go outside without protection of male relatives. That is literally how bad it is. This is not a US issue, violence against women is a global pandemic and I am

He is a tone deaf privileged athlete, but so what. He is not going around randomly arresting poor people in restrooms and charging them with bullshit felonies, as Gawker reported today. Sense of perspective.

There were two Captain Paltrows but one had a goatee.

I agree with her mostly although ...

Boycott Comedy Central's online geographic bigotry.

So one of the writers of one of the most played, popular games on the planet comes out and explains how they manipulate press and public from day one and it only appears in some crummy roundup article?

Lindsay today is October 4 already at least where I am living which is the part of the world Jesus inhabited, not that part which was all pyramids and jungles when Jesus was living.

I don't know, I never heard of him before just checked what came up in Google and on a whim just looked deeper because it seemed to me "horrible alcohol abuse probably didn't start in the NFL, probably college, maybe Greek." Probably earlier than that too.

Did you know he was married to Terry Bradshaw's daughter? That they only got married like four months ago? That has to be painful for all.

Here's hoping Disney doesn't make a habit out of this kind of thing.