
If some wiseguys from Boston drove up to the wiseguys office in New Yawk and you know, shawt it up a bit, just to get the point across, well hey, that’s football. Who cares how many girls get raped.

I don’t read TMZ but I have certainly noticed they cover sports figures more unstintingly than any local media let alone the ESPN/NIKE corruption zone, all of whom have the tendency to cover up and hide the accusations of rape and drunk driving and nepotism and all the other crimes and sins of American sports.

What a disgusting contortion of reality in service of prepaid political notions. Yes absolutely you are more likely to get raped or mugged in a poor black neighborhood than a rich white one and anyone who tells you otherwise is a goddamned liar.

Another moron putting a game on a pedestal because of its author.

Have you ever talked to this dude Brian Tuohy? He is on this paranormal cast but making really salient and damaging points about the sports establishment:

Um, yeah? That is a given.

How can anyone complain about this. The guy is not just on top of his game he is taking control of the scoreboard and crowd noise. This is a winner.

Do you know how much New York is not America and we are sick of fucking New York.

She didn't paint her nails? So what, leave her alone.

The police are not your friends. If they come for you, the only thing you say is I want a Lawyer. Never, ever, ever talk to the police or their attorneys. They have quotas, grudges, you have no idea what their motivation is to persecute you. Maybe they want to pin some unsolved crimes on you to make themselves look

I don't understand the hatred against Taylor Swift. She seems like decent, kind person, as decent as you can be in the horrible media spotlight. I don't care for her music but I don't care for any of this mass produced pop music, nobody does except 14 year old children. So what if she is from Texas or whatever

Demons drink the tears of the poor.

All colleges should kick the NCAA out of its environment. This is a vile, corrupt criminal entity that has wormed itself into the education system, somehow, yet makes billions of dollars in TV contracts while paying student athletes nothing.

It shouldn't be. It only is because politics is broken and corrupt, so who cares what they say. They are just liars for corporations.

The guy is disgusting.

I do know that. But it is not exactly a coast/inland issue either, it is rich/poor and government vs. farmer issue. Which is still a north south issue. Once they have killed the San Joaquin Valley they will turn their killer gaze on the vineyards of Sonoma and the north, all so you fucks can have more people and more

I have had only good experiences on OK Cupid, maybe I was lucky. Although these narcissistic weirdos sound hilarious and scratch my itch to troll.

It is good to be cautious about such a disease. You over-reacted a little. It is not a partisan issue.

Water thief.

Yost is not leading an East Coast darling so he gets treated like crap. If this guy turned around the Orioles or Phillies ESPN would surround his home with helicopters and fellate his family members in the street. East Coast media spits on Middle America and hates West Coast teams, that is just a fact. We all know