She didn't paint her nails? So what, leave her alone.
She didn't paint her nails? So what, leave her alone.
Elle Fanning at the premiere of Oscilloscope Laboratories' Lowdown at ArcLight Hollywood on Thursday night.…
The police are not your friends. If they come for you, the only thing you say is I want a Lawyer. Never, ever, ever talk to the police or their attorneys. They have quotas, grudges, you have no idea what their motivation is to persecute you. Maybe they want to pin some unsolved crimes on you to make themselves look…
Demons drink the tears of the poor.
All colleges should kick the NCAA out of its environment. This is a vile, corrupt criminal entity that has wormed itself into the education system, somehow, yet makes billions of dollars in TV contracts while paying student athletes nothing.
Yost is not leading an East Coast darling so he gets treated like crap. If this guy turned around the Orioles or Phillies ESPN would surround his home with helicopters and fellate his family members in the street. East Coast media spits on Middle America and hates West Coast teams, that is just a fact. We all know…
Ned Yost has led the Royals to their best two-season stretch in a quarter century and put the 19th…
I might be a minority in this opinion (honestly not sure how most others feel about it) but if the occasional roaming pack of frothing at the mouth misogynistic dolts is the price we have to pay for the one source or truly free information exchange, then it's a price I'm willing to live with. Though with corporate…
Would you make the same joke about the Islamic or Jewish Faith? Do you have the balls to do that?
Here are some very well-composed photos from a brawl between Dolphins and Packers fans outside of Sun Life Stadium…
St. Louis is breaking out the 1999 throwback uniforms for Monday Night Football tonight, and goddamn, it brings back…
That's awesome, shows the connection between rugby and early 20th Century football before the forward pass.
We admit that Deadspin occasionally dips into the pool of hyperbole, but take our word for it that this…
This poor woman. Thank goodness they won't murder her dog the way they did in Spain.
Serial murder is not a joke, if she murdered 38 people she is worse than almost every other person on the planet. She was not "annoyed", she almost certainly has a serious and dangerous personality disorder, probably psychopathy, sociopathy or narcissism. It's not "funny" when a woman kills, or when bedridden old…
We've killed a lot of things in a lot of video games over the years. But not all video game deaths were created…
This chart from Jon Roegele of The Hardball Times shows the MLB strike zone for right-handed hitters has expanded 46…