
Baffled? More like delighted!

Baseball is like the Electoral College, a bizarre 19th Century relic that builds character through learned helplessness.

Science fiction at its finest is meant as a warning, not an example.

Someone working at McDonald's who gets raped by her supervisor will probably get a better shot at justice than most college students. Why?

It helps the Federal Reserve determine where to direct bailout money.

"This is what it is to be Peter King, unmoored from the sheltering harbor of Roger Goodell's pendulous wattle..."

Looks like elite nepotism to me. Stanley is the daughter of a former Defense Department official in four presidential administrations; a Harvard grad, she's also a former high level foreign correspondent for the Times including former co-chief of the New York Times' Moscow bureau, which is not a job handed to just


Where's the money Lebowski?

Who cares if she's a brat, being a life coach has to be like the easiest job ever.

This guy knows more about getting good PR than Roger Goodell.

You certainly deserve one, whether to accept it or not is would be a hard call, it's a great gesture from some current students and would be a loud message to the administration to accept it in good grace in spite of everything, but based on your accomplishments since the time, not sure you *need* one!

Thanks for that. Well, it's up to her of course if she would even accept. It doesn't sound like the administration will cooperate in any case.

Not the first time a multinational like Procter & Gamble has dumped industrial waste in consumer products in order to avoid expensive disposal for their non-biodegradable industrial waste. Private profit, public burden is the mantra of "creative destruction."

Would she even want a degree from that place after all it put her through?

No worries she will just CGI in some character witnesses for the hearing.

Can PR dudes filibuster like politicians? Just get up and talk for hours and hours and hours until all the media just gives up and goes home? That would be an awesome strategy I would recommend. Just read Stephen King's The Stand out loud for the next 96 hours.

Darren Rovell is reporting the theft of his cookie pictures to the NSA.

Neck Furls of Sincerity

My "dream" candidate to replace PR Manager Goodell in this current role is Dan Snyder himself. Al Davis was commissioner of the AFL once, it is not unprecedented. That's not a knock against Davis, who was a rare progressive if a total raw asshole in all other respects.