
My cats bite and claw me everyday. I deserve it because I’m alive.

The story lists a large number of government and public failings, from refusing to pony up funding to move things like schools out of the inundation zone to rubber-stamping construction via toothless “consultations” in those locations. Forming or joining public pressure groups to inform people of the seriousness of

Seriously, Gawker Media needs to bring Malcom on as a full-time writer/analyst/whatever. Everything you do with him is awesome and a great read. Not to mention that he’s just an all around badass.

I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

Could you work your magic on a certain British actor who resembles an otter?

Jughead still wears a crown. All is well in the world.

For the record, this is how Jughead was waaay back in the day before he became just some glutton with no real point other than being a glutton around the late 80’s early 90’s.

Yeah, my 10th grade sex ed class did a similar thing with a rose that we passed around and each took a petal off of (gross). It was weird, because it wasn’t even an abstinence-only curriculum, but they were required to bring in an abstinence speaker. I wrote him a very strongly-worded letter about how he was being

Thank you for the link. Ms. Smart is very right on, especially in this example, explaining how the concept of “sexual purity” factored into her decision not to run-

Elizabeth Smart is a woman of unthinkable courage and strength. She has chosen the most noble path possible. Her activism for children who have been raped and sexually abused has no doubt saved countless lives and helped to begin the process of mending damaged souls. She is doing the single most important thing to end

It looks like it’s signed with an em dash (“—H”), not a hyphen (“-H”) which probably means something to my nutcase conspiracy-theory-believing friends on Facebook.

My go-to for accidental farts is to say, “NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION, BUTT!” It seems to work well.

Hmmm. Tough one. “Let’s see if I can’t get through the rest of this night without zipping myself to your textiles?” I dunno.

Haha, obviously you have never worked in the auto service industry. I had a doctor with a 750 that would only replace tires once they wouldn’t hold air. A doctor. There are a lot of stupid, irrational and crazy people in the world. Most everyone here has a car, which means at somepoint they will come into the shop.

You’re correct that there is no statutory basis for “refusing to release” a vehicle, and this statement has been used to scare customers. But, as a former franchise repair facility(ies) owner, I can’t even count the number of times that people brought in cars with less than one wheel’s worth of brakes (in to the

And you know anyone who thinks Pig in the City is a movie for especially young kids hasn't seen it. It's one of the darkest kids movies of the 90s.

Rob, Miller was given the rights to Mad Max and Road Warrior by Warner Bros. as part of the deal to drop Justice League. They had no choice but to use Miller since he owned the rights to the character, world, etc. And considering how much money Miller has pulled in for WB with those animated ‘kids’ movies, he still

The movie is, thankfully, a testament to what can happen when you let the creator create without second guessing everything.