
Right. And why should my money pay for diabeetus medicine for people who could just eat right and exercise? Such people should be more leery of where that logic leads than they are.

I was actually wondering if hormonal IUDs would act the same way, but without some of the nastier side effects. My liver has enough wine on its plate to handle anything else.

I die a little every time someone says they don’t want their money paying for birth control and for women to “just keep their legs closed.” I’m like: Dude, I’ve been on bc since 13 due to horrible cramps and acne. There are so many other uses for hormonal bc; though, not that there’s anything wrong with using them for

“She didn’t want Lilly to learn about black history,” he said, “She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy.”

Naked bodies are literally everywhere. Every person has one.

Now playing

Or hearing outtakes of Orson Welles and finally getting an episode of Pinky and the Brain

Nothing like the sensation of watching Apocalypse Now for the first time and realizing that now you finally get an episode of Animaniacs.

You mean stuff like this?

White men have the lion’s share of the capital.

Let him figure out the logistics of protecting the lives he’s responsible for after he exposed his nauseating cruelty. He opened this door and sympathy is notttt walking through it.

And then there are people like me whose ideal indoor temp is 65-68. Staying with friends is a torture situation for me because everyone seems to keep their homes in the 72-75 range and I feel like I’m suffocating. My office could not possibly get cold enough for me to complain about it.

Jesus. 77°F is 25°C. That is nuts. It’s one thing to be working in an office that doesn’t have air conditioning, so it occasionally gets that warm on summer days, but quite another to aim for it. I’m a girl, and that is TOO HOT. Are the rest of you secretly lizard people? You are. I knew it.

dude I’m just sensitive to any change. like I have about 5 degrees of comfort. 77 is too hot. 72 is too cold. my husband feels no change in temperature, straight up we were in mammoth and it was like 23 degrees and he was like “yeah it’s not too bad out” and then it hits like 95 the other day and he’s still like “we

I’m the same way. I want it to be hot outside, because I love hot weather, but no warmer than 70 degrees inside. Otherwise I’m sweaty, cranky and miserable.

Okay, this all made some form of sense until the temps were mentioned. 68 is a warm house to me. 7fucking7??? That's fucking hot! I guess I'm not as cold a person as I thought.

Serves her right. If anyone reads the original court papers they will see that she tried very hard to cut Daniel out of his children’s lives. She helped get his visa revoked (her lawyer made the call after a court date) and has refused to write a letter admitting to her involvement. She hired a PI, who put in over

Have you actually botherd to read up and follow the full story here?

Fine, fine - scrape the little bastards out of the womb and let them fend for themselves if they’re so viable, then. Bootstraps, etc.