
Oooooooooooooooooh! Tea fight! It’s a tea fight, everybody!

Honestly, I think there is a double-standard at play because he is a seemingly very nice, goofy, cute guy that Jez Nation thinks is adorable. Hell, I think he’s adorable! But he has repeatedly stripped down from high school to adult workplaces after being told repeatedly to refrain from doing so because 1) it makes

This is an interesting look into the pathology of how us Jezzies feel about a guy whipping his dick out. People seem to be amused, bemused, and/or ambivalent about Pratt doing it, but in a million and one other circumstances a guy who does this would be derided as a creep.


All due respect to these women conceived via rape but I don’t have one fuck to give about their opinions on this matter. I care about the women who are looking at being forced to carry their rapist’s babies and give birth to them. Those are the women this is about. Screw this asshole and these women for thinking their

I guess I get that- we don’t have 18 billion people, so there must have been intermarriage at some point. The original comment says that it would have “brought our population up” which implies that more people would be created.

Thanks for bringing this up. 10% of marriages worldwide are between first cousins. My aunt married her first cousin (her daughter is my first and second cousin). My great grandparents were cousins. More than one president has married his cousin. Cousin marriage is far more common among people from some parts of the

I can’t decide whether the best/worst thing about this is the quasi-antebellum costumery, or the “TO : CHANNE (sic) 6” on the back of the photo.

I would say “Yes.” An alternative, maybe in an alternate universe, would be to get together with other single mom friends and pull resources, commune-style. I daydreamed about this when I was struggling on my own for a little while, but my own family stepped in to help with the time and money expenses when I came up

I think you’re really confused about the difference between ‘blame’ and ‘cause.’

“Find solutions not blame.”

Bruce said in the interview that he prefers male pronouns until he says otherwise. It’s even mentioned in the beginning of this article.

I found a neat trick: was babysitting my 3yo nephew a few years ago. He fell, and indeed after the usual small delay, started crying. Since the fall seemed totally benign and the crying a bit... recycled... I had time to think, so instead of playing mother hen, I just asked “him are you crying because you’re hurting,

The issue is two-fold: Some parents (see my anecdote above) just instinctively go to “Argh medical emergency” over the fact their kid got a splinter. If those parents don’t retrain their responses, they’re going to raise anxiety-prone hypochondriacs.

For my daughter, when she fell, we would say oh no, look concerned, and look at the ground where she hit to look for cracks or other damage. We would then get her to help look for her hurting the ground. I don’t recall her ever falling so badly that there was a problem. This worked great.

This totally works.

We always laughed first when our daughter fell, or cheered, and we never had issues with her being upset by falling. A few times she was hurt, and we took care of her, but she never had histrionics or panic out of line with her injuries. Now, verging on her teens, she got a bad bone bruise catching in a softball game

My grandmother, and my mother, both taught me that the the last thing you do every evening when you “close the kitchen” is to put the dirty kitchen linens into the laundry.

Commenters disagreed: One wrote asking why the Kleins were so upset about GoFundMe canceling their fundraiser when the site was doing the same thing the Kleins had done, refusing the use of their product for something they didn’t agree with.

Whenever I read articles like this that say something like “The kitchen is the germiest place” or “A sponge in the kitchen is the germiest thing” or, like this one, “The dish towel in the kitchen is the germiest place” I almost immediately think “Okay, got it. Do we care?”