
One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.

Ma’am, if you want to pray, go to church .

I’ve seen plenty of brits nail american accents, (I’m still surprised when I see Jamie Bamber in interviews) but there is a world of difference between a well educated stuffy doctor and a broke down poor guy with a Texas accent. Brits look different too.
But again, I like him so he can have the benefit of the doubt.

I can do ya one better. Because as someone else noted, those little holes will tend to make the oil drip down the side of the bottle, even if you’re being careful. You need a decently fast flow, but not too fast.

Clothing with names is the #1 thing that prevents us for returning it or consigning it

“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”

I loved it.

Not a stretch. I know someone who left her husband when she had breast cancer because he did not help in any way. Actually, I think it was partly that, and partly the realization that life can be short and she didn't want to spend the rest of hers lashed to someone like that.

Jalpenos aren't even hot. Try taking a piss and forgetting you just made jerk season with Scotch Bonnett's.

Seems like a legit apology. Thank god. It's bad enough some of my favorite rappers are showing their asses, it would suck if I could no longer watch Sherlock without that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me Sherlock is a prick in real life. Wish I could say the same for Watson.

Probably the best apology I've ever read.

Yes! It's actually not that hard is it? Let's see, he acknowledged he fucked up, understands why he did so, and recognises that he might have a bit of learning to do. I actually found this refreshing (which I really hope says more about the quantity of "sorry, not sorry" apologies than it does about how jaded I am.)

Now that's how you apologize for being an idiot.

More to the point, the daycare would have reported the burns. Mom would have been given the choice of ditching murderer boyfriend or losing the children. Either way, no children die.

I've never posted here before but always lurked. As a survivor of domestic violence, the responses here really sadden me.

So true! I live in the province of Quebec in Canada where we have government subsidized daycare at 7$ a day. It was literally a life changing factor that allowed me to be an amazing single mother.

There is so much victim blaming going on here. Sure, perhaps the mother is also a monster, or, more likely, she is a also a victim of this terrible man's abuse. Domestic violence isn't just physical - it's more than likely that he was exerting a LOT of power over her - emotionally, psychologically, financially, and

It must suck to hate every single Gawker article but have the severe OCD that forces you to read them all anyway...

That's like saying "People played football in America? No way!" At the end of an article giving lots of very detailed and specific insights into how the NFL came to exist.