kamla devi

lol. I know you're joking, but no. There are tons of religious women who aren't nuns, who either do need birth control or believe other women should have access to birth control. :)

This is awesome but also kind of upsetting. It is super awesome that religious women realize the importance of free contraceptives. But it's really quite upsetting that even though they're the ones the religious organizations should be listening to the most (on matters regarding women's health, I mean), and who should

My grandmother, before she died of complications from lung cancer, used to tell us that all three of her kids turned out just fine despite her smoking through all three pregnancies. Though she could never explain why each of her boys had sons that were, on average, 7 inches taller than them.

My kid is almost 4 and a half and is just now starting to eat meat without me feeling like we're forcing it down his throat. Not that we ever forced him to eat meat but it was dicey with the proteins there for a while. MY (uneducated) opinion is that a lot of meats have very strong flavor and smell and sometimes the

I don't know if this is related or helpful (I'm actually pretty sure it's neither) but I own the only toddler in the world who does not like pizza.

Does Autism "develop"? No, it doesn't.

"A baby cookbook book called Bubba Yum Yum written by a TV chef, a mommy blogger and a naturopath may not be as safe as previously thought."

(Wasn't that the anti-communist slogan back in the 50s?)

Sure, it might stop your baby from developing autism, but only because your baby will be dead. (Better dead than neuroatypical, though, right?) (Wasn't that the anti-communist slogan back in the 50s?)

(No but for real, love your local library everyone!)

More importantly, WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE A CAT LADY?

Obviously it was a dog.

Who wants to get robbed? OWN UP TO IT, WEIRDO.

Give it a couple more episodes. It gets better...there are several episodes that are gut-bustingly funny.

as a white person, I AM STAYING OUT OF THIS.

Where are all these guys who want kids? Pretty much every guy I've ever dated is anti-kids, and I want several (not right now, but in the future.)

Excellent example of how NY'ers aren't huge assholes. We may not smile randomly and say hi on the street, but we do tend to help each other out in the oddest of ways (or when shit actually hits the fan).


I don't know what a Surprise Album is (is it a music album that is literally a surprise? Or an album of surprise pics?) but I HAAAAATE dealing with my republican racist relatives on Facebook, so it wins anyway.
