kamla devi

You say that now, but his/her friends will like it and he/she will watch it at their house. Then kid will love it, and beg you for Frozen merch. You will give in, because you love your child.

I wish I had the talent to Photoshop some Frozen shit into this gif

NO. Frozen went through, what, 20 years of the princesses' lives, and ended satisfactorily. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO SAY. nothing.

And my husband and I were so thankful that our kid isn't due for another month, hence almost entirely missing this whole Frozen BS.

So Jon Stewart is arguing that it's not black people's fault that white fraternity members were chanting about lynching black people? I dunno, holding white people accountable for their own actions is a little bit out there.

So they think it's only racist because of the n-word? Let's do a test:

Go and shag an Oompa Loompa mate

It's a sportsball thing.

i say its BS, Kathy wants to get rid of Giuliana

I don't understand this at all.

This is going to sound completely whack-a-doodle, but I couldn't do the save-the-date thing. I admire couples who do, but...it was so risky.

better the dog than the child

As of late, I have spent waaaaaaaay too much time (personally and professionally— well, academically) reading about rabies to not be like OH HOLY FUCK SERIOUSLY.

I don't know why more people aren't terrified of raccoons. They're big, they'll eat anything, and they have HANDS. Oh, and they carry a parasite deadly to humans. Fun creatures!

The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,

It should be called what it is: Traficking.

I don't understand how "rehoming" doesn't constitute abandoning your child. Can you legally "rehome" your biological kids as well just by handing them over to some stranger?

I'm glad that it appears the girls have finally found a loving forever family. This whole thing just makes me sick.

The older I get, the more I dislike religion.

Being black causes racism.