kamla devi

Causing a miscarriage is not the same thing as the Bible prohibiting a woman from obtaining an abortion.

That or they missed the point and thought the Pharisees were the good guys.

I have a friend who changed his kid's diaper on the table (after everyone had finished eating and they were waiting for the server to pick up the check) while his wife was sitting there. The people nearby were all doing that making-it-obvious-that-you're-trying-not-to-make-it-obvious-that-you're-staring-and-judging

you weren't already doing that? Cause ABORTIONS ARE SO FUN AND SLUTTY AND COOL.

"Well, sorry you got human trafficked and raped and got pregnant as a result, but congratulations! Here's some money $11.49 for baby supplies!"

How is this kind of shit allowed? It's like that goddamn motorcycle vagina bill. These things should be about one thing only. I get that they're trying to move things along, or whatever the bullshit excuse they throw out there, but if they all actually showed up for work and did actual work, they'd have enough time to

So they want to force girls or women who have been trafficked into sexual slavery to give birth to their rapist's babies? Good job GOP immoral fuckwads for never ceasing to amaze me.

I want a bill which bans anyone who is not the person having an abortion from having any say about abortion legislation.

I'd like to pass a bill which bans men from having any say over abortion legislation whatsoever.

"Well, sorry you got human trafficked and raped and got pregnant as a result, but congratulations! Here's some money for baby stuff!"

Every single time I read something like this I immediately get myself pregnant just so I can have an abortion.

Say what you will about Madonna being an insufferable attention-hungry inconsiderate and self obsessed moron, bitch is living her best life.

lol Mika just dropped a "Why can't I use that word but they can?" on national television

Offensive aspects of that video, ranked:

I also love how Scarborough uses "hip hop" and "gangster rap" interchangeably as a euphemism for "black people music."

I look at his lyrics, and I'm thinking, why wouldn't you ask this guy, why would you go on this campus, and if you look at every single song I guess he's written, it's a bunch of garbage. It's full of n-words, it's full of f-words. It's wrong. And he shouldn't be disgusted with them, he should be disgusted with

I totally get that, and didn't mean to make light of it. I recently travelled with friends who have an infant, and finding a womens' facility that was functional was difficult. Finding a place where Dad could do diaper duty was impossible.

I just distract easily from serious issues with funny mental images.

"...International Franchise Association, an organization whose singular reason for existing is to fuck over franchisees at the expense of their parent company."

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State

If corporations are truly people, McDonald's is the guy who takes five ones on the table at the start of the meal, announces that it's the tip, and pockets one for every time the waiter's groveling is insufficient.