kamla devi

Whoa. Freida Pinto. Whatever happened to her?

my parents used to beat me pretty good. Same with a lot of my friends. Some of my friends will say that the fact that we all turned out to be decent law abiding is proof that beatings work. However, sometimes I feel like the reason I'm not a murderer has absolutely nothing to do with any beatings I took as a child. If

Fill them with existential dread that their lives are meaningless when they misbehave?

Oh hey, I see you don't understand the concept of mental pain. Congrats, you're the reason there's a stigma associated with therapy. Also, you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the terms "cosmetic", "unnecessary", or the concept of cruel and unusual punishment.

"She's not going to die without it."

WHEREBY it has been noted that this is an article about a trans prisoner, and

1) "I'll respect what she wants in regards to gender identity."

I'm far from an expert on this case or on the cost of hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery on the Good Ol' American Taxpayer (barf), but I feel like we should have a slightly higher standard of care for our inmates, particularly non-violent offenders, than "it won't kill them."

However, the military still won't allow Manning to grow her hair longer.

Just don't drink. We don't have to use the excuse that it's always been around to make us feel better about a vice. It's not that hard. You'll feel better and more in control. You don't have to be an alcoholic to not drink.

Wait, why the fuck does she have to wear a corset at all? Why can't she just wear a dress? There is literally no reason to wear a corset, especially since she has "quite a small waist." Fuck right off, Disney/Hollywood/rich old white dudes.


Well, she could eat a banana smoothie. Jeez. You people.

This trailer enrages me every time I see it. That is an awful impression to give young girls in regards to health and beauty. And every times five year-old nephew sees it he says he wants to go see it so he can see her boobies. FIVE YEARS OLD and that is what he is thinking already!😬🙀😱

This is just...ugh, boycotting this shit show. Good job, Disney. Starving your actress to make her into a pretty, pretty princess for generations of girls (only, of course) to aspire to.

I knew it. See, ladies! You don't have to be photoshopped to have a disproportionately sized waist! You can just wear a corset at all times and only eat soup. Sounds grand.

C'mon, bruh.

Not to miss the point but she looks so pretty here. I hope she's happy.

I grew up in Santa Cruz, CA, and one day walking down the street in downtown I saw Spike. This was a few years after Buffy was done. And I don't mean the actor, I mean like a perfect cosplay rendition. I saw him a few times and finally asked someone about it.

Canada is fucking AWFUL to Natives. I swear, peopel harp on the States for being racist but jesus fucking christ, it's atrocious up here.