kamla devi

Silly like a fox!

I love this woman.

I love her.

I think everyone looks awesome in all of the above pictures. I think everyone should fuck with their hair all the time, as often as possible.

presenting new Jocker

I didn't think there was a way to miss the Rock Me Obmbre Jesus locks.

Except that research hasn't proven that Plan B prevents implantation. Some scientists suspect it, but it hasn't been proven.

My mom wouldn't take me to the circus in the 8os because the elephants made her too sad. She was boycotting B&B way before it was cool.

"There's been somewhat of a mood shift among our consumers," said Alana Feld, the company's executive vice president. "A lot of people aren't comfortable with us touring with torturing our elephants."

When I was suddenly given a cancer diagnosis, we were stunned. But, I later found out from my mother that he called and told her that she didn't need to worry. He was not ever leaving me and that he would take care of her only child no matter what.

Heee - I grinned for an hour. My aunt is very conservative but cannot deny my struggles as they're RIGHT in FRONT of her and she KNOWS how hard I work (two jobs - 11 hours each weekday and ten on the weekends - three hours commute). I literally get up at 6, leave the house at 8:15a and get home at 11p. I am 56. The

I wish someone would make a really butch sounding IUD. I would 100% get an IUD that was called something like "ThunderGuts" and came with one of those Detroit type "this is America, we don't worry about being fancy, we just get the damn job done" commercials.

Anyone have any opinions on the non-hormonal IUD? Because I can't handle hormonal birth control and I also can't handle another abo and condoms are the literal worst.

My mom benefitted from the medicaid expansion (as did most of our extremely poor family) and she STILL complains about it. It's like there's a disconnect in her brain that thinks Obamacare is something OTHER than what she has.

the article i read about him a few hours ago had this gold nugget :

Damn them Women and Minorities at conservative think tank Heritage Institute! Coming up with those commie principles like the individual mandate. Curse them!

He's like George Washington when he defeated The Al-Qaeda and commies at the Battle of 'Murica.

So, if there's just a law that requires "a test" can't a doctor just do something perfunctory like, "Touched patient. Patient is not a ghost. Data indicates that the fetus is viable."