kamla devi

I am dying here. I can't believe he actually put that on his website.

I read once that actually in the same way people currently "explain" that men are bound to be promiscuous "by nature" we can come up with all sorts of stories about why women are bound to be promiscuous "by nature". One such story can be that it is actually advantageous for the woman and her offspring that the father


Damn you and your polite car manners. This is why I go straight for the wank motion when someone cuts me off.


Regardless, I giggled gleefully when I read it. To be honest, it's not that important a distinction because in both scenarios the dude legitimately thinks that's something medicine is actively working towards.

I'm a Georgian, and while I agree that our reps our crazy, that dude is just a run-of-the-mill conservative "protect the embryos, fuck the low-income babies when they get here" type.



This was exactly my experience too. Prior to getting pregnant I saw abortion as a necessary evil, and supported it in terms of harm reduction. I thought there should be more emphasis on adoption, yeah, even in cases of rape. (I was naive!)

Also, extry extry, I'm a big-time molly dealer.

are you a big time molly dealer? Have you dated any one in ISIS? Are you in ISIS? Are you an international art thief? Are you the best singer on your psych ward?

Ummmm no one responded to my tip to EGR about the baby seal who got lost in Canada somewhere and had a Royal Canadian Mounted Police escort back to sea.

I hate those idiots that say things like that! Hate them! I don't need to be a mother to be compassionate of women who don't want to be pregnant ! For now all I can say to those idiots is: My mom is pro-choice! My SIL mother of my two nieces who had a miscarriage of a wanted pregnancy is pro-choice!

My feelings exactly. Might I add to the people who think adoption is such a simple alternative (I'm talking to you, crazy clinic protestors)-I saw my baby, the one I planned for and suffered for for the first time and lets just say I can't even properly articulate the emotions-love, longing, fear, happiness,

The subject has never come in my parents' house, but that is EXACTLY what my MiL has said.

I thought I was one of the most pro-choice, abortions-for-everybody (who wants them) people in the world before I got pregnant.

Yup, I was the exact same. People said when I had a child of my own, that I would realize abortion is wrong. Haha no. I had a horrible, stressful high risk pregnancy, and all it did was cause me to double-down on my stance that abortions need to be available to all those who seek them. I love my son to death and would

I had a conversation with a conservative member of my family many moons ago where he told me (upon finding out that I regularly contribute money to Planned Parenthood, which I told him proudly) that my feelings on abortion would drastically change when I got pregnant.

Ok, who voted Forman into office?