kamla devi

seriously. show me one person who looks PHENOMENAL under those harsh ass lights in close up. answer: no one. Beyoncé is still a fantastically beautiful lady, just one who occasionally gets a zit and who is wearing a lot of makeup cause she's in a photo shoot.

Those eyebrows don't lie, though. High fives to whoever does hers.

Photoshopping pics of Beyoncé to make her look bad...


They should not be charged as adults.

C'mon man, knock that shit off. "Gives no fucks" Uncle Joe is way cooler than "Creepy" Uncle Joe.


I don't know how he does it, but Uncle Joe makes the creepy not so creepy.

This is some brave shit.

Any post on RBG, scating voice of reason/dissent on the currently conservative SCOTUS is incomplete without this image.

My RBG tattoo will say, "Fear the Frill."

Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has always been "radical"- you have to appreciate a great statement piece. Long live RBG and the dissent jabot.

The prohibition against tattoos is much more generational than anything, and RBG isn't observant, I don't think. This is more about an 81-year-old woman's total bafflement with the weird stuff we emblazon on ourselves.

This gives me hope. I've been in an ldr for a while now, and I'm moving across the country to go live with him. I have no big obligations here, and a backup plan just in case...but we both feel like this is the right thing for us, even if we've only been together a few months. Sometimes you just know what you want out

I met my boyfriend while on vacation on the other side of the country, and by the end of the week we were making plans for him to move to my state. I'm basically the least romantic woman of all time and was well known [notorious] for a very long series of very short relationships, so this pretty much blew everyone's

Samesies! It always sounds so crazy when I tell people we moved in together after a month of dating (and we didn't know each other before dating). And after living together for a month, we packed up and moved to a whole new city just because. Being young and crazy sometimes works out.

I don't hold in farts ever - for anyone. It's not healthy.

Litmus test for moving in together: