kamla devi

She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...

I don't normally feel the need to snark at hippie names—they are what they are and word names are kinda nice—but Summer Rain?

Christmas?? Are you trying to turn him into a Republican?!?

Yikes! Learning how to cook a variety of foods is so important for good health. Eyes NEED veggies!

Good idea. I have neglected his punk rock education.

Here's the etsy listing:

Kitchen sets are awesome, and every kid should have one. Every. Single. Kid.

I was so confused when the baby girl I was sure I was going to help break glass ceilings was a little baby dude. I was like..well I'm damned if I'll raise a broski. And we have dolls and carriages and a kitchen and super tricked out dollhouse. Now I have two sons and a daughter and her favorite thing is cars. My

I'm already forcing him to accept the tenets of his matriarchical overlords through this onesie (a gift from an awesome fellow feminist and Jezebel)

I'm way ahead. My 3-year-old son has a baby doll he carries EVERYWHERE and loves to dance. Clearly he's going to destroy the patriarchy when he grows up.

Thinking the same exact thing!!!

See, that feminist was doing it wrong. Personally, I'm excited to have my own personal white man that I can corrupt with all my social justice warrior evil. Baby sleeper agent!

Yep. And it's a form of racism. White men committing violent acts (unless they are like, poor rednecks or something) get analyzed and people try to find explanations that somewhat absolve them of some of the responsibility.

Protip: Don't read through the comments on Gawker's version of this. Since it's a white guy committing this crimes, someone making the *totally unexpected* claim that American's crumbling mental healthcare is to blame here.

I said Evangelical Atheists. You know, the ones that try to "convert" religious people to non-religion.

"Lumping atheists together is like lumping people who don't smoke together."

This is so, so heartbreaking. What kind, gentle, bright and beautiful young people. Fuck.