
This episode was SO BAD.

As dumb as the plots are, it’s still better than Savitar IMO. The full season fakeout plot was so frustrating. At least this is half a season and fairly straight-forward low-stakes superhero nonsense.

Yeah, after hate-watching the past few seasons of The Flash, I finally bailed at the start of this one. So I definitely see/support your decision. Now I’m wondering whether to bother catching up with the current seasons of Black Lightning, Supergirl and Batwoman, or if I should just rid my watchlist of the entire Arrow

See, while I agree with all the criticisms of this storyline, I don’t think it’s the worst The Flash has ever been, purely because it’s not boring, as the show has sunk into being in the past. It may be incredibly, INCREDIBLY stupid now, but I’ll take that over dull.

I just wanted to announce to anyone who bothers to read this that of this week I finally dropped this fucking show from my rotation. Judging by this week’s score, it was a good idea. Honestly, I didn’t know why I tortured myself with it for so many years. I heard it’s a common occurrence, to hatewatch this show. I

You know, I think I’m ready to call it, this is the worst this series has ever been.

  • So Nora, Barry’s mother-daughter...also wants to be his wife?

This episode was kinda meh. The whole mommy/daddy/sibling thing just came off as a weird role playing exercise that made me uncomfortable.

I *think* I might be done with The Flash after this episode. I’ve been pretty forgiving of Barry’s idiocy up to this point, shruging a lot of it off as “well that’s not REALLY his fault”, or “well he had to at least do SOMETHING”. But his handling of Alexis was my straw. He ran full speed into that blunder completely

For me Legends actually held people responsible until season 4. Season 2 and 3 of legends was great with the villains and comedy. It had the right balance. However in season 4 was when consequences stopped existing like Nora Darkh who was a honest bad guy who probably killed some people was given a redemption arc and

The show is certainly consistent about Barry being an idiot & not listening to anyone, but that does not make it less frustrating.

Agreed about Cisco’s departure. It would have been great if they let Carlos leave when Cisco made the decision to take the cure or when Cisco started adventuring around, but nope, he is leaving because his 1-dimensional girlfriend wants to... OK. 

I think season 8's a done deal, season 9 and beyond is what’s being speculated on. Arrow also had some similar issues post season 5, with main cast members starting to drop off and the overall direction getting a little more unfocused. I always thought the energy was better on Arrow though, whereas everyone on Flash

“I’ll always have your back....See ya, bye!”

It is just a touch weird that after Wally was so distraught about the Speed Force dying that no one as far as we know has told him that they did a Pet Sematary with it.

I’ve officially given up on trying to figure out what this show is about anymore. Characters come and go at random, are introduced for no good reason, contracts are expiring, and plotting makes no sense (like it ever did). Barry may be the Fastest Man Alive, but he’s also the Dumbest.

I wish the series would’ve stuck to the new forces being entities of their own instead of this weird hybrid where they’re possessing people. It just muddies the issue of whether Barry preventing their birth is a good thing (ie. freeing the people under their influence) or he and Iris are now “parents” to these 3

Couldn’t help but laugh at the way they were setting up Cisco’s departure. Appreciated seeing Wells again, and hope to see him again at least one more time (I assume in the finale he’ll be back). Also glad to finally see some recognition that the Speed Force isn’t a person, and isn’t Nora--but not enough, as far as

Cisco - “I’ll always be there to support you Barry.”

I’m so glad I wasn’t playing the “Dammit Barry” drinking game tonight, because I would've had a massive hangover in the morning.