Have we checked to make sure that’s an actual tie, and not just well positioned flare?
I think Kirk is pointing out he’s the only one who does it. Every article about minimaps are written by him.
I kinda enjoyed this one.
I’m glad The Stacks showed up in Deadspin’s main nav again. Welcome back!
Haisley is gonna write the worst article because of this.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one.
This is so good.
Kinja that mindfucks other generally good kinja users? The best Kinja.
Here’s an interview from last year. What a thoughtful, interesting guy. Legit question: How many wrestlers are this aware and astute at that age?
That’s a shitty way to go through life, Donald Jr.
Considering it was in the best interest of the league for Spanos to stay, this is not only a fuck you to San Diego, but payback to the NFL (and Jerry Jones) for getting backstabbed by his “good friends” in the secret ballot.
Take your star, Columbo. Well done.
And he was right.
Mckenna. Gotta be Mckenna.
I hope you have a lovely weekend too?
That’s why you don’t mess with bad grammar. It’ll kill you.
And it’s really on the director for a: pulling up this shot (camera folks look for weird shit all the time) and b: holding for as long as they do.
One of my favorite guest verses ever. And on a track from arguably the most important hip hop duo of all time. Now he’s half of the best hip hop duo working today.