This is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
Greg Howard is missed.
“I support Hillary because she will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama. I believe in what President Obama has done for our country and support her commitment to continuing that legacy.”
Was reading Pierce and fell down the rabbit hole to the Simmons point/counterpoint.
Oh, we saw the tape and the court marshall transcript. “Why were you playing slalom with the Hancock and Sears Tower, exactly?”
That [UPDATE] is going to hurt in the morning. Good kinja, y’all.
Yeah! Who the hell invited the Editor in Chief of Deadspin?
Nice primer on Jai-Alai in this 30 for 30.
The Kids in the Hall ~ Having an Average Weekend
Optically, US Soccer just became the governing body over US Mens Swimming, based on where the public court of appeals will head. Does Lochte a: get booted permanently? b: suspended for more time than Solo? C: Less than solo?
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen (writers, editors, commenters, admin, tech, legal, Denton, etc) for being a part of my daily life for the last decade. I’ve never been much for adding to the discussion, but I’ve read almost every brilliant, stupid and crazy word of Deadspin, and I hope you continue on the other side,…
The genius of the “WTF am I doing here” to “coy smile, hello...” is transcendent.
I always joke the second you come up with an original idea, it gets planted in the heads of 100 other people. Unfortunately those people get your idea out into the world a tad bit faster. I like your riff, just as I liked the Kimmel/College Humor bits.
Good job, good effort.
He’s at EVO.
For once, some transparency from the people giving out the damn awards on who should win.