
I think the best description I’ve heard came recently from Arthur Gies. A review isn’t about the reviewer, it’s about the reviewer’s experience with a game.

I think the review is the right place. By buying the game new you are condoning their leadership’s actions. You are validating the treatment of staff. If you choose to not buy it at all, or buy it used, you can avoid doing this and still show appreciation to the team that sacrificed parts of their lives for it.

I mostly agree, and of course this isn’t a review of anything. However, I do think an argument could be made that previous behaviour that affects customers is pertinent information?

This is all very scummy and worth writing about. I question whether a review of Cyberpunk 2077 is the right place to do it. People are looking for a review of the GAME, not the PUBLISHER.

Destiny’s actual endgame and depth is finding ways to not play Destiny faster

That’s amazing.

I’m hoping the AWE DLC makes up for the non-ending we got. 

I’m enjoying this puzzle because even though I’m not a raider or a top tier player, I can still contribute by running through the Corridors and sending my puzzle code to a community spreadsheet.

A 2 second clip taken out of context doesn’t spoil the ending. Darth Vader being in a game about a hidden Jedi being hunted isn’t all that surprising.

I would be surprised if they didn’t put vader in, given that he’s been in *skims notes* every single star wars thing set while he’s alive except Solo.

The Outer Worlds. It’s nice to stick it to late stage capitalism. Especially after how Deadspin was treated. Its cathartic if nothing else.

Fuck, it’s weird and surreal to muscle-memory click my Deadspin bookmark like I’ve done every morning and night for the last decade-plus and remember it’s dead and buried. Best of wishes to the whole crew.


So long to all the grizzled vets of Deadspin and the comments. 

You’re forever with me, leather.

I’ve lurked here since 2009 and you’ve captured my feelings about Deadspin better than I ever could’ve.

I’ve been a regular here since 2006. My social circle doesn’t really allow many opportunities to talk sports so I treasured that this was THE place that allowed for my dumbass jokes and ridiculous takes to be heard (and even then, there were better comments made by better people).

Thank you, Diana, for this last bit of joy from this site. Much love to you and all the staff, all the way back to Leitch, for making this place what it was.

I have literally never posted in the comments section before on this website and I regret it. This blog transformed me in ways I never thought possible, and I am deeply saddened by everything that’s happened over the last few months.

Dammit, my gray ass can’t *post toy story 3 incinerator gif*