
I... just can’t get to like this series.

It isn’t the PSX graphics, but the whole PSX-era flair it has. Even the name is silly!

Dude, that one part where the lights went out and when they came back there was a hideous monster thing right in front of you, and you couldn’t move...

I was like 10-11 years and had to start wearing diapers again.

Please don’t kill me, but I didn’t really care that much about the Asriel fight. The music is awesome, but the whole scene is not as great (imho) as the Flowey boss fight. Sure, Asriel was a lot more emotional and stuff, but I felt it was also kinda underwhelming.

F**king finally!!!

And this one is Tilda Swinton.

Hugo Weaving? Is that you?

Why can’t they make an option to hot-swap art styles like the remastered Halo? Push a button, change a few images. Even I can program that, and I’m no John Carmack.

She does mention race in a subtle way, she describes that the Kargs are blond and white, while most of Earthsea is red-brown skinned (much like the native north-american), but she doesn’t adress racial problems directly.

Hey, kinda offtopic but...

Every single Final Fantasy fan should try FF: Dimensions. I didn’t expect much, but it’s a true-hearted love letter to the early years of the franchise (specially the SNES era).

I’m having a blast.

Galactus is an Avenger now? What the heck?!


What even. I... I just don’t-

Yeah, like 1997-perfect. The word for it is ‘rad’.

Sarcasm aside, I think it has not aged that well.


Well, I gotta say mine's really a horror story.

It was a dark, chilly winter night. I was 10 and playing Pokémon Red with my brother in my PC, when it suddenly went completely black. From inside the cabinet a woman's voice could be heard, saying some uninteligible things over and over again.

I never ran so fast in my

What? No mention of África de las Heras Gavilán? That woman was incredible! She even helped organize Trotsky's murder!

Every time the word "tits" is censored, I get thrown in a temporal vortex back to the XVII century. We can send a robot to Mars but somehow a part of the human body can't be named without people gasping.

If we absolutely had to pick the worst Pokémon game, I wouldn't blame anyone for putting Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire high on the list. Don't get me wrong—I love those games to death, they defined a chunk of my childhood. But looking back, even I can admit that Ruby and Sapphire aren't exactly the best entries in the

I guess someone liked Risk Of Rain a bit too much.