
I love it when Steam allocates 9 additional, mandatory GB in my disk so I can see the pretty dinosaurs other people can get.

Mistborn, anyone?

That’s awesome!

I am now majoring in literature, and the first thing that got me really interested in narrative was Final Fantasy 4. I was 11 or 12.

I love them both. With passion. Even in my first playthrough, as I didn’t expect CC to be a direct sequel because I was used to the Final Fantasy way: they do more of spiritual sequels than follow-ups.

That being said, CT is a vastly superior game. It’s flawless, and every time I replay it, some new detail comes out

So, if this game had children with FFXIII, there would be a decent chance of getting an open world game. Or a 100% linear one, but we can lock those in the attic.

Nothing with the word “perrito” (little dog in spanish) in it can be bad.

I think that most people still confuse graphics with aesthetics. When they say “this looks hideous”, are they talking about the technical aspect of the visuals, or the whole art direction? I think it’s a bit of both.

Technically, I think the models look absolutely awful and there’s no excuse for it in 2016. But I think

I really hope they update Ninetales’ (and the other pokémon getting new forms) stats. They were garbage as of Gen VI.

Not to be confused with A King’s Quest.

I can’t even keep the count of the amount of “school”, “student”, “robot” and “powers” in the descriptions <3

Isn’t this game exactly like Etrian Odyssey? The pics and trailers sure looked like it..

Censorship is always stupid. I mean, I understand when they do it for business purposes, as they want to bypass the ESRB ratings in order to sell more units.

But if they go ahead and change a lot of things, the game starts losing its essence. You are not playing the same game if instead of being about teenagers

So you know for sure he doesn’t volunteer and doesn’t donate some blood. Good for you and your telepathy. It’s oh so easy for you to judge a guy living his own life and doing what he wants to with it.

But seriously, show us YOUR legacy, the tiny action that makes you so proud that you have to talk smack about him.


I want it to be Reaper so much, it would be hilarious.
(not because of him being gay, but because of the edgy Reaper fans’ reactions)

Reminds me of Egoraptor’s PokéAwesome: “YES WE DO!!!1"

Or No Man’s Saga.

Wait wait wait... No Man’s Candy.

“I left Studio Ghibli in late 2014, and I not a Ghibli employee”
Shouldn’t the title say something like “Former Ghibli Producer”?

Now go write that apology, Brian.

Sounds just about right.

I came here to comment the very same thing, the melody is almost spot-on. Maybe they are riding the Special Edition hype train too.