
Jason, I don't know what my RPG life would be without you.

Thank you.

*Temperance social link level up!*

This picture screams "FAKE!".

Terranigma wins this contest, there's no way to beat it xD

Well, this is the one for me. Legend Of Mana also brings great memories, but FFIV made me curious about mythology for the first time. It made me want to tell stories all my life.

Just an RPG battle game would be awesome (I'm thinking a Tales-of-esque battle)!

Yes it did!


Please do. It's a great book, and maybe it's closer to getting it right.

Have you read "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"?


Trying to tell ME3 and D3 endings apart is like saying sh*t is different from cr*p.

That game is incredible.

^ This.

Man, and isn't it creepy when people grab their knife and fork like they are gonna stab someone?

Quick answer: no, it's not.

"They were really mean nuns, can't you see? They tortured, killed and stuff."

This. Post.

Diablo 3 companion barks are not that hideous imho.

The Catalyst is just a story writing tool, similar to The Architect in Matrix. How do you give closure to a saga? Well, you force a character in, one that knows everything the player/spectator wants to know. And that's it.

Maybe you have to play it previously to Cerberus Base.