
You say that you didn't need the Liara scene because you had someone to say goodbye to. I still talked to my other half Jack through an hologram communication.

Well, the new ending reminded me of the obvious Ender's Game saga influences (the whole AI going alive thing, not to mention the Rachni mission).

You know your company is doomed when Jesus Christ moves on from worshipping you.

Exactly my thoughts.

In the original version, shooting the kid was the first thing I tried, but nothing happened...

Wow! Didn't know that it was related to SaGa! Talk about underrated gems... I almost feel they are like prototyping playgrounds for SQ-EX to try new things and see which ones could get to a major franchise.

I always feel like I didn't really enjoy this game, maybe because the overall reception was not that good.

I completely agree with Tony Danza.

I really, really, realy liked The Last Remnant. Sure, it had its flaws, but the combat system and a lot of characters felt really deep and fresh.

You have won a whole internet for this single comment.

This one gives me the chills. Every. Friggin'. Time.

I have played every Square / SQEX game that was either in English or fan translated, and I cannot finish FFXIII because of my internal organs constantly bleeding. Seriously, the graphics are great, but the plot and characters are really bland, dull, one-dimensional (like the so much hated dungeon design).

Actually, it's "tegaki".

The old one was so Ellen Page.

So you were really really happy when Blizzard patched Diablo II and made your great and unique character completely useless because they changed its stats?

Poké... I mean, pets.