Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him
Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him
That’s exactly what Vivian does, she goes elsewhere. That saleswoman missed out on a big commission.
I think she does shop somewhere else. She just comes back into the shop with all the bags from the other stores for that line.
Those are the best covers from Angry Asian Man, but you didn’t include my favorite. Now that reboot, I would definitely watch:
They’re teen classics for a reason.
Weren’t Mallory and Jessie (?) like 11 years old? For some reason I remember thinking that because they were “junior” officers - and the rest of the club was 13 - that they were 11. In which case, what parent in their right mind would hire an 11-year-old to babysit? An 11-year-old is the one in need of a babysitter.…
Claudia was always my favorite, because she was an artist. And because she was vice-president owing to being the one who had a phone in her room.
They looked like regular white people who kiss their dogs in the mouth and enjoy the occasional Pat Benatar ditty.
You know what, I am just gonna say what we ARE all thinking here people! I DO like a Pat Benatar ditty! And I am not ashamed.
And female employees were told that they can request to work on other projects if they aren’t comfortable with Lasseter. So they have to put their careers on hold because of a serial sexual harasser wanted more money and another chance that he took from every single female at Pixar who left because of him. No. Let him…
Yes, exactly. I feel like this article just wants to take issue for the sake of taking issue. The advertising industry has done so much harm to womens self image from the start with narrow idea of whats okay and attractive. You dont need to buy a product in order to be affected by the adverts. For better or worse.
This reminds me of a photo project someone did of taking photos of mothers very soon after birth. Let me see if I can go find it:
While I understand your point and agree that a deeper systemic change is needed rather than ‘normalising, brutally honest’ photos to advertise nappies or whatever, I am not ashamed to say that I saw these photos today and felt validated. I’m two years past ‘post-birth’ and as someone who was slim prior to my baby, it…
I don ‘t know what to suggest or do. But I do have two family members who basically … avoided swimming, avoided anything their body would be seen, and had serious intimacy problems with their partners post baby because they could never feel comfortable with heavy stretch marks/loose skin. I find those things are…
The issue is that the story in the movie is 95% untrue. These two men were never friends; the driver was fired after 2 months. Mr. Shirley was not estranged from his family, didn’t have issues with his Blackness (the idea that he needed to learn to accept himself is absurd), didn’t need to be taught about Black…
Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape…
“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” As facts emerge, sometimes, so does skepticism, but if you first reaction is to say, “well, he might have been making…
I mean when a potential Best Director, and film winning Best Picture, in Cuaron is saying this...Then MAYBE you back down from this Academy.
And at NBC...
“I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle” is akin to saying “I don’t agree with the black lifestyle” or “I don’t agree with the blue-eyed lifestyle”. It’s how people are born, mate. What’s next, not agreeing with the Air Breathing Lifestyle?
That you fail to see people for who they are and instead try to tell yourself…