
Oh gosh. I have mixed feelings about that dramatic cut to Kate Middleton looking all evil and Meghan looking all innocent. Generally speaking, I’m Team Meghan, but it’s possible the whole situation is complicated and fraught for everyone, and Harry and Meghan seem to want to have a relationship with the family in some

As a 5'9" guy, I’m happy we are trending towards that being more than acceptable from taller women!

I've been watching YouTube clips of Trevor Noah's Daily Show mostly since the 2016 election and he has been an absolute joy. I wish him well on future endeavors. He really embraced an ensemble of comedians and put out great content for a very long time. I loved that aspect where he would introduce a comedian to

Trevor Noah never did it for me until the pandemic. I think it was the combination of ageing that made him slightly less baby faced, and the pandemic sending him a little over the edge. Whatever it was, it’s hot.

What a weird take on what Shaq was saying. He said he doesn’t have the moral authority to condemn or judge them for cheating because of how serially unfaithful he was. And then spent a good amount of time talking about his regret and how much he lost because of his behaviour.

4 horned sheep? We’ve plenty of those just roaming around the highlands.

Maybe I’m just projecting nostalgia, but I got a real kick out of the Ugly 70's Futurism look of the Imperial settings.

The Mandalorian isn’t terrible, per se, but I always thought it was pretty mediocre and was deeply unambitious with its storytelling, crafting exceedingly simplistic stories with barely-there characterizations.

Along similar lines; I know some people felt like it was a pointless scene but, I really enjoyed the propulsion salesman on the bus in episode 2. I feel like we rarely get to meet this sort of “middle class” of citizen in Star Wars, people who presumably exist and are even doing kind of okay, even in a tumultuous

Yeah but I think it’s a good kind of fan service where if you know you know, but otherwise it’s unimportant and spoken without any gravitas. There’s no musical cues or pausing for the audience to understand that this is a thing they should recognize. It comes off much more like just world building rather than fan

“Aldhani makes for a great Star Wars planet, ably set in the Scottish Highlands. It all feels very earthy and real until we walk past a pen inhabited by four-horned sheep and it’s like, Oh right, this is an alien world.”

I’m not sure how much sympathy we should be reserving for a hard-working Empire cop, but Meero’s righteous frustration will only build from here, I imagine.

It’s funny that I am really, really enjoying the mundane day-to-day of the Star Wars universe as depicted in Andor. Like, the boarding announcements at the Coruscant port, the Imperial mid-level staff meetings (“Can’t we do these by holo??”), the delegation of Imperial authority to the Corporate Security forces and

I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t see the people on Ferrix for a good long while. The life of a spy/saboteur/assassin/thief isn’t going to leave a lot of downtime for you to go back to the home where you’re already wanted for what is now multiple murders, and none of those characters really seem like they have much

I’ve been rapt with every episode, kind of surprised how refreshingly non-fan servicy it is.

I’d make a joke about them being sat at the kids’ table, but legally I don’t think Andy is allowed at the kids’ table.

This how bored are people line of questioning is misguided, as the most generous reading.

I’m digging it so far, real interested to see where it’s going.

Because he didn’t have the decency to leave an audiobook version?

More than slightly hyperbolic - he’s snarky about almost everything and everyone else’s process - because his is different/his own. Until he gets where the person (actor or director or friend) is coming from. His love for his fellow humans shines through his entries though.