
So I think LaBeouf is pretty horrible person. But your quoting of the variety article is blatantly incorrect. Those were texts that Olivia sent to him - not the other way around. When he wanted to quit, she said:

In one of Adele’s interviews, she explained how other dudes she dated felt emasculated being seen with her, because of all the attention she received - I imagine it’s hard to find someone who’s secure enough with himself, without that person already being pretty powerful/rich.

They may not have protested against gay marriage or abortion - but significant sections of the fandom are extremely toxic, racist, and misogynistic. Just google “death threats” and “John Boyega,” “Kelly Marie Tran,” or “Krystina Arielle” (host of The New Republic fan show.) Or, see the intense outsized youtube hate

I have overlapping social circles with these guys. They were fired off Eternals during development, and, at one point, were only going to be given a “story by” credit; they had to fight for their screenplay credit, since the project was rewritten so much. I’m guessing that Disney isn’t particularly interested in

The actor was aiming the gun where the director told him to aim it. Towards the camera. That was the shot they were rehearsing.

IATSE member here. We attended a town hall meeting yesterday, where we learned the details. It’s not just that the studios won’t budge - it’s that our leadership asked for so little in the first place. For instance, there was never a proposal for a cap on hours, or a 12 hour turnaround - which is why members are


I hope you can acknowledge that we can be happy for the Latinx community that can see themselves represented in this movie AND colorism is a huge issue and we have a long way to go to address it.” Totally agreed, it can be two things! 

Very well said.

Okay, I’ll bite. Out of a cast of four leads: 1 lead, or 25% of the main cast, is a dark-skinned black man (Corey Hawkins). He’s not Latinx - but this is still a film where non-light-skinned, black folks are represented. 1 lead, or another 25%, identifies as Afro-Latinx (Leslie Grace), and is Dominican. Yes, she is

Exercise is certainly complicated for a lot of folks with disordered eating - but Jane Fonda does actually credit it with helping her recover from bulimia, as a more positive way engage her body.

Completely spot on and well said. The lack of self-awareness here is pretty disheartening.

Wow...This in depth picking apart of women’s faces feels like part of the problem. And for the record, as someone who works in film - looking like you’ve aged “naturally” but still looking “good” often means that you just have a better doctor than someone whose work is more obvious. It’s like when guys say they prefer

Damn y’all. Horse therapy is actually pretty common - in LA, I know lots of non rich folks who go out to stables occasionally, since they’re in Griffith, a city park. Not to mention it was to treat her SEVERE depression after having a late term miscarriage.

It was actually a lot more detailed and expansive than that. Per Jezebel:

The Jezebel post is a bit more expansive on the problematic racial issues:

Small correction - it’s been two years since they filmed. I was on the crew, as the BTS shooter - it was summer 2019 :) 

It wasn’t a date - he’s married, and I’m pretty sure she saw it as just networking, then got creeped out by him - and she reportedly met Harry through a blind date, not a party. Piers is just full of shit regardless.

This commentariat’s knee-jerk reluctance to believe Ray Fisher and John Boyega against their respective massive corporations - shows that we still have a long way to go. There are definitely shades of grey, and Fisher does seem to have a flair for drama - but Whedon has a long history of questionable behavior (firing

This commentariat’s knee-jerk reluctance to believe Ray Fisher and John Boyega against their respective massive corporations - shows that we still have a long way to go. There are definitely shades of grey, and Fisher does seem to have a flair for drama - but Whedon has a long history of questionable behavior. Then