
Are you implying that if someone wanted to try hard enough they should be able to breast feed? It sounds that way, but I’m sure it cannot be what you meant to say. Maybe edit for clarification? Because saying that would be really cruel and medically incorrect. Some women just....cannot. You come across really self

Don’t feed this troll.

So their legal strategy is “well it’s not like they didn’t already know he was a suspected paedo!”

I had to explain to my boss, a historian, WHO SHOULD FUCKING KNOW BETTER, that since Sally was a slave and the nature of that power dynamic of owner and owned, no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, she could not consent since as a piece of property she did not have agency.

What a gross fucking thing to say. 

Goddamn, girl.

I’ve often seen people tell white women that they need to “come get” whichever problematic ww is acting up that day. Well, on this day, as a Latina, I feel the need to come get Michelle, because this is just all levels of fucked up.

The ghost of Sally Hemings would like a word, Michelle.

Oh gosh I was in no way attempting to defending a misleading portrayal of something I have no knowledge of.. Merely pointing out the language used that seemed to add support to someone else’s own experience.

If you click on the article I posted, you’ll see this sentence:
“The researchers found no statistically significant effects for SSRI antidepressants on BPD.”

Antidepressants are commonly used for BPD treatment but aren’t effective.

I don’t expect the show (or AV Club commenters) to have a nuanced understanding of which

I got that!

I really really really REALLY dislike Greg for Rebecca. I hate a lot of things too but if the person I care about wants to go to a water park I’ll go to a goddamn water park and at least pretend I’m having fun. I think it was this season when Rebecca was talking about Greg and said “he acts like he doesn’t

I still think Nathaniel and Rebecca are endgame. Did anyone else pick up on how Greg is mocking her use of colloquialisms like “the mondays” and then it cuts to Nathaniel being concerned about Paula’s “case of the Mondays”? 

It’s too bad that the plot line is not in line with the most recent evidence-based best treatment. They tend to aim for realism.

I think what I loved was how much growth all the ex’s had showed with their reactions. Greg didn’t get angry or drink, he just explained himself and then left when it was clear she wasn’t hearing him. Nathaniel looked tempted - but saw through Rebecca’s (pretty low) emotional manipulation, and Josh gave actually good

I was positively surprised by how well Josh turned up this episode. He was considerate, he was understanding, he was kind. He was everything Beccs thought he was back in season 3. When he said “you know you can’t have three drinks, you Jewish”, me heart warmed. He really knows her and listens to her. A season 2-3 Josh

That scene also had Rebecca, for once, not turning the conversation on herself, but keeping her focus on Paula. The show has done an amazing job of showing how their dynamic has changed in that way. 

My favorite ep of the season so far. I liked all of the songs and they felt central to the story and characters, unlike a few of the songs from earlier episodes this season. I was getting a little frustrated that previous episodes hadn’t dealt with Rebecca’s mental health progress, so it was good to see it all unravel.

Hot take: Greg could have said no to Raging Waters and launched into a Meatloaf cover à la “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)

This episode was so good. It was just...everything about it was good. I’ve never seen a show so committed to accurately portraying the struggles of not just mental health, but health in general.

This show is really firing on all cylinders for the end, isn’t it? Both music wise and actual plot wise. “I hate everything but you” is such a Greg thing that it helps sell Skyler-as-Greg, at least in my mind. Plus a great Springsteen style song.

And again, I love how realistic Rebecca’s mental health struggles are.