It isn’t just Americans that are done with cars and want SUVs. And that is a sad day.
It isn’t just Americans that are done with cars and want SUVs. And that is a sad day.
Well aren’t you a piece of shit.
Sounds like its not the price of gas thats the problem, its the gross profiteering from companies under the guise of “boy that inflation is a killer eh? We’ll all get through this...together.”
In other news, NADA lobbyists started laughing
In before all of the slippery-slope arguments... I 100% agree. I know I would not like these solutions, but we definitely should have them and if new cars came with them I would deal. We all would. This is not an attack on your freedoms.
“Please just make one (1) affordable EV, GM. I’ll buy it, I promise.”
This is objectively sweet and I see why they did it, but I don’t know that it would have been successful. Cadillac did something very similar with the XLR by taking a Corvette and making it more plush and tailored to the old farts who normally buy Corvettes anyways. In typical GM fashion they dropped the ball and it…
“It’s interesting, in a way, that Jeep is able to leverage its history and a brand like Cadillac seems to find that impossible”
I’ve always found Subarus to have some more character to them than something like a Camry or Versa. Maybe it’s the engines, or the owner community, or the brand that stuck its neck out and directly advertised to the queer community back in the nineties. That character has definitely waned in the time between my ‘05…
That means you are Vader and David Tracy IS in fact, Palpatine..
This is why piano black needs to be banned. The car was perfectly clean 5 days ago, and this is what it was like after 600 miles.
Before someone moans about how dumb and pointless this article is, I just want to say that THIS is the kind of article I come to Jalopnik for. Yes, an actual review of the car is good and fun and all that, but lets be honest, how a Bentayga drives is not that important to someone like me who cannot and would not drop…
My brand new engine (7K miles) in Kia was do for first oil change. It’s leaking oil. Rear main seal is bad. 7K miles and a bad rear main seal is pretty bad. While the tranny is out, I asked them to check the clutch, might as well replace it now the it has 78K miles. I guess the CV joints will go out next. It’ll make…
It is important to talk about the flaws of historic figures. I just have a really hard time separating Henry Ford the industrialist from Henry Ford the unrepentant piece of shit. He self-published an anti-Semitic and savagely racist weekly newspaper and demanded that his dealerships give copies to their customers.…