
I’m sure that it’d really bother a lot of the members of Parler that they got pwned by someone that’s non-binary.
Bonus points for the Crash Override display name. 

Yep, and this isn’t just white people appropriating other cultures. It’s young, privileged (often thin) influencers trying to fancy up something that the old and the poor just wear as a matter of fact. These are dresses that a lot of women wore when I was growing up, in a not-good neighbourhood. My grandmother wore

It’s fascinating to me that when white people start wearing something, it’s upscale and reminiscent of privilege, but when my grandmother wore the exact same garment at a fraction of the price, she was just an old lady wearing a house dress.

What are they trying to accomplish? How brave or stupid they are? If they really don’t think Covid-19 is nothing to worry about why don’t they volunteer at the hospitals and help out to take the workload off the nurses and orderlies. But I guess doing work is too much for them.

I’m guessing fish medecine dude is still gonna be in the lead ^^

But yeah same, my 20s had internet but influencing wasn’t really a thing yet, and people had the common sense to avoid being pictured doing crazy crap just in case it might become public and ruin their lives. Now it seems the worst shit you do, the

Back in the 80s we called them “spokesmodels” and they competed on Star Search. Competed for what, I don’t know, because I can’t name a single winner who went on to anything.

People who can’t handle occasionally being bored have lots of problems. Forcing everything to be interesting, exciting, or an opportunity for creativity is really just an obsessive need for control, which leads to anxiety.

It’s ok to be bored sometimes. Life is filled with boring things. They’re what help us appreciate the interesting stuff even more. It’s like why immortality would make life meaningless—part of what makes something valuable is its rarity.

That meme has spoken to  the depths of my introvert SOUL...

These people are the reason we have to put labels on shit like “Don’t bring the hairdryer in the shower” or “Don’t bring the toaster into the pool.”

“These kids grown ass humans are in their 20s.”

I’ve always thought “influencer” was a bullshit “career” for people with more vanity than intelligence. Stories like this only strengthen that belief.

Do the influencers really need to be saved? 

The much vaunted American capitalism and industrial might is actually very fragile.

I understand the term “influencers” but thankfully it would appear that I have aged myself out of their range of influence, heck my kids think these people are stupid (their word) and not worth the time nor effort of following them. 

“it will be truly bizarre to see where they land a month from now...”

I mean...I did a lot of dumb shit in my 20's(thank god the internet was barely a thing), but imagine being so desperate for attention that you lick a airplane toilet seat. I’m gagging just thinking about it. The Darwin Awards are going to be huge this year.

These people were clearly never told “only boring people get bored” when they were kids. Also they need attention like they need air. Jesus. Influencers and celebrities are in a tie for folks who are desperate for attention in these trying times. Frankly I hope they all learn a lesson about doing way too much for very

These kids are in their 20s.”