
Same. I should’ve checked online but I was like, “I want this to be FRESH and UNSPOILED!”

I did that to myself, too. I don’t know what I was thinking, but my island does have a cool island in the middle of it.

I will be very, very unhappy but understanding that things are what they are.

My (very) liberal father went out and got a 9mm.

For me it’s video games. I am so glad I bought all of those games on various Steam sales and just never got to playing/finishing them.

I am counting down the days until the new Animal Crossing. It is going to be my refuge through all of this.

I appreciate the well wishes!

My parents are my big worry. My mom is almost 70 with breathing issues and my dad is 60 with breathing issues and a compromised immune system.

Not really. If you keep your deeloped film in a cool, dry place it shouldn’t degrade horrifically in 20 years. I know that developed black and white film can be used for decades to produce prints.

Oh, duh. I’m used to working with still images, so I forgot to take FPS into account!

It all depends on how the film was scanned in the first place. I’m going to guess that the video was taken from YouTube and is already in a compressed format. This means that the AI is working with less data than it could have if the film was scanned and processed in a lossless format.

Ooo. This is a good point! I know that regular black and white 35mm film carries more information than what a computer uses. I wouldn’t be surprised if video film is the same.

I do all of my higher level thinking in words. I don’t have verbal directions for movement, so I’m not sitting here going “Okay, move hands to keyboard. Type keys.” or “Move right leg.” Those things just kind of happen on their own.

The only reason I sometimes frown at skateboarders is because I know that they have better coordination than I will ever have. I probably shouldn’t be allowed to be within ten feet of a skateboard just in case I create some kind of pratfall accident that takes out ten senior citizens and six children.

If you used keyboards or typewriters from the ‘70s through the early ‘90s, you’re incredibly familiar with the profile because it was found on all the best typewriters and keyboards.

I’m seconding what Rushingbot said.

I feel bad for your son having MS so early in life. That’s not a diagnosis that you want to have at any time, but definitely not so young.

Holy shit. That’s mind-boggling. I hope your cousin and his crew come out of all of this safe and sound, both in body and mind.

I love the idea of being able to switch out my photos like that!

Yeah. If I’m going to invest in something like this, I want it to be able to display 100% of the color gamut.