
I have a very pregnant friend here in central California. Her OBGYN has told her that she should prepare for an unassisted home birth while the OBGYN sits in a car outside in case anything goes wrong in order to minimize the possibility of infecting mother or baby with covid-19. 

I’m 20 weeks pregnant, living in NYC, and not super pleased about this. Obviously I want my husband there for the birth of our second, but I have to trust that my doctors won’t let me die because he’s not there. What an annoying scare tactic. Pregnant women are scared enough during this pandemic already, thank you. I

Is it so much to hope for at this point that he just drops dead? I don’t care how - COVID-19, massive heart attack from one of his (at minimum) SEVEN risk factors, the last of his horcruxes is destroyed, Thor smites him with lightning... I don’t care, I just want him to go away.

Mortality? Probably not. But there are tons of studies on how the presence of a partner can reduce anxiety. And lots of studies about how anxiety can hinder childbirth. And about how having an advocate can reduce the use of unnecessary measures that introduce other complications. It’s a difficult thing to prove and I

It is my understanding that the general trend of having husbands (using that term intentionally to reflect history) in the hospital room didn’t start until the 70's (at the earliest) and really took off by the mid-80s. If the assertion is true, we should have seen a huge drop in infant mortality in the 80s or 90s as

If only it were just this. These same MAGAssholes will also listen to the President when he tells them to go back about their normal business in a week. And then they will help spread the virus to everyone.

I agree it’s a painful decision, but is there any data to back up the claim that not having partners in the delivery room will lead to increased maternal and infant mortality?  

It’s exactly the same base chemical. It's more of an antiviral component of a cleaner since fish are vulnerable to a lot of illnesses. Unfortunately the formulation, additives, dosage, purity, etc render it not just unfit for humans but toxic.

Meanwhile an MP in, I want to say.....New Zealand, says you can kill coronavirus by blasting a hair dryer in your face on high and inhaling.

This is a dumb take. The man died because of misinformation from Trump. Period.

It’s a horrific way to die, even for a Trumper.

We knew this was going to happen. When he said this, we knew people were going to die and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Dr. Fauci literally stepped up to the mic after Trump said that and warned us. He knew people were going to die from this idiocy the president is spewing every day.

Except that you and I will be footing the bill for medical care. 

“FDA approved” was a lie. There is preclinical (non human) data and one french study in 42 patients. Clinical trials are ongoing. Pre-2020 data is available in other types of coronaviruses. Some hospitals are rolling this out in select patients. There is no time to vigorously test because “war time” rules.

Oh hell no! Don’t take his milk away, give him a dose of hydroxychloroquine! Hell, give him a YUGE dose. If a little is good, then a lot must be better, right? That’s about his level of understanding. 600mg a day! No, twice a day!

A free pack of toilet paper to the first person who proves that Trump directly profits from the sale of those particular drugs. I’m good for the twelve roll of your choice.

How far is Twitter going to let this go on. This is different than any of his empty threat tweets, he is directly telling people to take a dangerous drug and Twitter is doing nothing about it because, as they say, he’s a world leader so his tweets should be above the rules. He’s encouraging self-harm, giving out

Anti malarial drugs like Chloroquine are no joke. They can decimate your organs quickly. The allergies and rash eruptions can be insane and rare psychotic breaks have been reported. Most non-developing world medical practitioners are not very familiar with these drugs as they are limited to a few specialists.

Trump still does not understand, and likely never will, that words have meaning. I had to explain to my husband’s family (all currently in Nigeria) that the US does not in fact have a cure for the coronavirus as of yet. They read the name of an accessible drug—one that physicians in Nigeria have attempted to prescribe

This is truly a “Drink the Cool-aid” moment for trumps cult followers.